Different Colours?!?!


New Member
Can anyone please give me some general information about what different colours mean for a veiled please? eg. red angry, green happy...
thanks alot!!!
Do you have a Veiled?? From what I know Most only have 2 main states, green/light = happy, dark = pissed. I have a bit of experenince but not lots with veileds, does anyone's veiled have more than 2 colors?
i do have one, she is just over 3 months old, pretty shy at the moment but getting there!! she is alwys light green but she also sometimes has yellow or light purple stripes just wondered what that means?!?!?
i dont actually own a veiled but from what ive heard light colours generally mean a good mood and dark/vibrant colours = angry!

then again other things ive heard is any colour = angry with some veileds!
Wow Yellow and light purple, sounds like some Veiled. Ours changes color (she turns from green to dark purple sometimes almost black) only when she is hunting near the bottom of her cage or when she is pissed off, this is usually anytime my hand goes in the cage.
thanks alot Carolen thats a big help, mine goes dark purple too when she is at the bottom of her cage, hunting i guess. just one more question what temperatures do you find works the best for day and night???
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