

Ok so Trevor is clearly dehydrated as you will see. I did lover his misting slightly as he really hates it and it lowers the temp in the cage.

It's misted 5 times a day for 30 seconds and has a big dropper that runs for about 3-4 hours a day. The last poo was fine but this one isn't. The urate is pretty hard.

He is just about to shed and has clouded over ready in the last few days. He isn't eating a lot but I'm guessing that down to the coming shed. He was eating at the start of the week.

I have upped the misting too 1min 30secs 5 times. Should I do like 5mins 3 times a day with longer spaces in between maybe?

If you are concerned about water intake, I'd add a drip probably in your situation rather than more frequent mistings.

Personally I do a couple of long mistings every day (20-30 minutes). Many of my chams prefer to drink directly from the air rather than off of plant leaves, and many take a few minutes to wander over and start drinking...
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