Chameleon not eating?


New Member
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Jackson's Chameleon, Female, age: unsure/maybe almost a year?
  • Handling - Handle her about every other day. Just enough so she is used to me but not enough where she doesn't get time to herself. Always at her consent.
  • Feeding - Crickets, and occasionally superworms/mealworms. Hand fed.
  • Watering - Drip system with a very slow drip. Drinking seems to be normal. I also mist about 4x a day and keep the plants moist.
  • Fecal Description - normal from what I read about it.
  • History - bought at petco, they didn't seem to know much. She is kinda timid, at first but when you stand there for a minute she comes on to your hand. She turns black most of the time in the morning when trying to handle her, but I quit doing that because she didn't like it too much. So i handle her during late day. when being handled she doesn't seem to mind at all. She just roams through my hands, stays a light green color. doesn't seem scared or anything.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Screen about 4' tall x 2', currently is the process of making a stand so the lights sit up off the top of the cage. I also wrapped the cage is a plastic so it keeps the heat in and cold out(no i didn't wrap the whole cage is plastic.) while leaving the front of the cage and tops of the cage unwrapped. I also clean the bottom of the cage about 2 a week.
  • Lighting - don't remember the lighting names but they were the ones recommenedd for chams on here. I also have a heat light in case it gets to cold at night.
  • Temperature - I use a probe to measure temps. Basking spot is 86.4 F solid and coolest part at bottom in shade is about 70.3 F. also night temps can get prety low, but they don't go below 45F at nightime. Even when its snowing.
  • Humidity - Humidity stays around 60 percent sometimes during misting goes up to about 80.
  • Plants - I'm using a weeping fig tree and I just bought a philodendron type of an ivy plant.
  • Placement -corner of a room.
  • Location - Casper, Wyoming

Current Problem - She was eating fine a few days ago but now she wont eat anything. I'm afraid she is bored with all of her food or something is wrong with her. Activity seems normal she is really active throughout her cage. She sometimes sleeps a lot, but when I start to get worried and look over at her again she is up and moving around normally. She is also drinking normally. Whenever I mist or going over to the plants and drinking water off them. Not really sure what else to do to get her to eat food. I tried giving her crickets but she will not eat any of them. Tried worms, but same problem. Tried different methods of feeding to no avail. I'm really trying to make sure she is happy. Speaking of happy, her favorite spot seems to be the fig tree. She hangs all over that tree. Well, any questions feel free to ask. I'm also new here. Regards.

Pictures: Cage: Pedro: Chilling:
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