Buffie ! Some new pics!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
A few new pics of Buffie, my sweet girly-geck! She was out and about this morning and sat in a good place to get pics! I love this first one!


I love her spotty belly! :D


Little poser!

Great pics :) She's a very cute little thing, but I never had any geckos myself - I'm sure the crickets don't stand a chance though, do they?
Great pics She's a very cute little thing, but I never had any geckos myself - I'm sure the crickets don't stand a chance though, do they?

They don't! After all, she is Buffie the Cricket Slayer! ROFL! It makes me laugh because they are so clumsy as hunters, unlike chameleons! She just throws her whole self at the crickets and often misses! She is so determined though! I had a mealie on my sleeve for her the other day and she missed it and got a mouthful of sleeve instead, but she wasn't keen on letting go - she was shaking it and everything! So funny! :D
They don't! After all, she is Buffie the Cricket Slayer! ROFL! It makes me laugh because they are so clumsy as hunters, unlike chameleons! She just throws her whole self at the crickets and often misses! She is so determined though! I had a mealie on my sleeve for her the other day and she missed it and got a mouthful of sleeve instead, but she wasn't keen on letting go - she was shaking it and everything! So funny! :D

Lol, I know it's great fun to watch things being chased down and see a lizard launch itself at something it wants every now and then :)
Can you please fly over here to Naples and teach my children how to look as photogenic as yours? They all seem to be of the mindset that I like taking pictures of 1/2 their heads, or their backsides as they walk away. :D

Can you please fly over here to Naples and teach my children how to look as photogenic as yours? They all seem to be of the mindset that I like taking pictures of 1/2 their heads, or their backsides as they walk away. :D

Lol! She isn't always so cooperative - she can be very skittish and she positively HATES being weighed!

Nice pics :) I like how she looks like she has eyelashes hahah
She does - it was her eyelashes that drew mne to her as well as her very pale colouring when she isn't fired up. I almost called her 'Maybelline' because of those lashes, lol! :D
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