Bringing Chams to Canada temporarily

You can get a 55 gallon tank for cheap off of craigslist or other used places. Or just wait for a sale. In the long run a beardie would cost you hundreds less than a chameleon and they are way less difficult to care for
I know that you think i shouldn't get a cham yet and i probably won't but please read this article

I have read this before. Gray, you're worrying me. Just because it is possible, does not mean it is a good idea. Read the very first sentence of the article again: "More than once you’re going to have to travel with your chameleon, whether it’s to the vet’s office or because you’re moving to a new home." This article is for those rare occasions where it is absolutely necessary to travel once you already have a chameleon. It is NOT meant for yearly non-essential moves. Especially when you don't have a chameleon. You getting a chameleon would be prioritizing your desires (read: selfish) over the safety and health of a chameleon. If you already had a chameleon and all of a sudden had to start moving around all the time, that may be different. But you would be choosing to throw this lizard into a life that will make it unhappy. And that is not a compassionate decision to make.
I know that you think i shouldn't get a cham yet and i probably won't but please read this article

I think that article talks more about things in life you can't control. Vets are a must. Moving might be a must but it's done rarely . The type of traveling you are mentioning is constant and without end. Instead of a few hours to the vet you are mentioning an entire month out of his normal world. You are asking good questions and seem to have your thoughts in the right place, where the Chameleon will be happy and safe. I hope you are able to find a good compromise and when your life settles and you can care for him I hope you do get your chameleon friend. You seem interested in the knowledge to care for them properly and that's a huge start.
Hi, I go to Canada for a month every year and will need to bring my cham with me. I have read online that reptiles other than tortoises, these animals can be brought without a permit or anything. I wonder if chameleons apply to the "can" list?

Chameleons are endangered species and need CITES permits to cross international borders. Bottom line, you will not be able to do it.

You need a CITES Export Permit from US Fish and Wildlife. You need it inspected at the border by both US Fish and Wildlife and Canadda. That all costs money. It takes months to get the paperwork.

Then when you want to bring the animal back into the US, you need Canada to issue a CITES Re-Export Permit. You need an inspection at the border by Canada and US Fish and Wildlife. There may be other permits involved such as a Port Exemption Permit.

Costs from US Fish and Wildlife are about $500 per border crossing. Your month in Canada involves two border crossings. YOu might need International health certificates each time you cross the border. Last I moved CITES animals into or out of Canada, they didn't charge me for anything.

If you do not get the proper paperwork you are smuggling endangered species and your pet will be confiscated.
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