Black on lips and nose?

I went out of town for a week while my friend took care of my veiled. When I picked him up to bring him home, I noticed his lip and nose were black. I am concerned it might be a burn.
Sorry for the bad photo quality. It was taken on an iPadiPad
I went out of town for a week while my friend took care of my veiled. When I picked him up to bring him home, I noticed his lip and nose were black. I am concerned it might be a burn. View attachment 155181View attachment 155182Sorry for the bad photo quality. It was taken on an iPadiPad
Some chamelons naturally have a nude color on their lips, while If it is a burn it will go away. Either way no big deal it might just be his color
It looks like a rub injury caused by him rubbing his face against something, usually the screen. It should heal up just fine. It might stay black for a long time. I have some wild caughts that had rub injuries on their face like that that are still black over a year later. They were 12/13 grams when it happened and are not over 60g and it is still there. The wound is healed but the black scar is still there.
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