Beginner ambanja x ambilobe breeding

Once again, a true, well informed, responsible, respected, and honest breeder would never buy an unknown female.


I agree if you're talking CB breeding, but it does go off course when you're talking about WC females.
I agree if you're talking CB breeding, but it does go off course when you're talking about WC females.

Hi Psi,

Sorry for the late reply as I was busy yesterday.
Now if you read the full reply of the quote you will see just what breeders do if they decide to buy a WC female.

With that said, I do have a question for anyone who is willing to answer it...
Why do members have to be rude to people who post questions about crosses?
I mean really Syn, was that necessary?
After all, this is a forum that should help teach newbies the ins and outs and it wasn't to long ago that you were new yourself.
I really have never understood why people have to be mean or nasty to others on this forum...over a question or an idea that they might have.

I could go on...and to use a word that a forum member said, I'm going to babble on about crosses for a moment.
Regardless of your point of view, crosses are here to stay.
They will always happen in the hobby even when the goal of yours is to keep the bloodline pure.
Yet we knock them down as if the life they were given is not good enough and is worthless, all because it makes your life harder to breed pure...kind of selfish if you ask me.
This only helps or aids in the culling of offspring and I'm not sure many of you would want that.
It also forces a breeder to sell at rock bottom prices, that in turn will hurt the selling prices of pures down the road.

Above all, what many hobbyists don't realize is that there are many markets for panthers today.
Some markets some of us are willing to enter when buying an animal. Some we wouldn't.
But breeders will still use WC animals from time to time in order to have new blood.
Such breeders would love to sell a baby that turned into a cross as a result but alas this forum seems intent on destroying that market. And that will only hurt the breeders the most...even the ones who want to keep their bloodlines pure.
I can only guess that breeders just want things to be easy and not a challenge...again quite selfish if you ask me.
Or maybe such hobbyists and breeders just don't like dealing with the reality that they face every day and this reality breaks the camel's back.
So does the fact that crosses are here to stay make it harder on the breeder? Sure.
But should we try to destroy the market for such pets by making them unwanted by all? I'm not so sure of that.

I think I said enough so ill stop babbling now. :)

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