Baby Veiled Chameleon Sex ID - Petsmart


New Member

I saw this baby Chameleon from Petsmart last week and have spent past several days learning about Chameleon keeping from Chameleon Academy.

I think the one they have at my local Petsmart is a male. I think I see a bulge behind its hind legs. Can anyone confirm?
It appears to be male to me, from the spurs on the back of the back feet.
It looks VERY ULTRA young also. Did they give you an age?
I thought I saw the spurs too but was not sure since I am new to the hobby. Yes I asked the rep at Petsmart and she had no idea how old this little guy was.
It appears to be male to me, from the spurs on the back of the back feet.
It looks VERY ULTRA young also. Did they give you an age?
I don’t really see any spurs, but my eyes aren’t the greatest ?
I agree it really young and would advise you to get a older Cham.
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