Baby jacksons behaving strangely?


New Member
I picked up a baby jacksons last week, I was told his is 12 weeks old. I don't believe this for a second seeing as he sits on my finger tip just nicely. From my experience raising my panther from a 3 week old, I have put him in a glass tank temporarily to help with the humidity levels. I understand he will be stressed for a while until he's settled but he spends a lot of time clawing at the bottom of the glass viv. the temps are spot on and I most him 3-4 times a day (allowing to dry I between mists). Is there anything I'm doing wrong, or could do differently to help him. His grip isn't too strong and is a dark colour. I have seen him only eat tiny hoppers since I have had him. I'd really appreciate any advice.


He's definitely not a 12 week old Cham is he?
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