awake past light out?

mine does it too sometimes, like a dog walks in circles before it lays down :confused:
but tonight after a full day in his new huge cage my jackson decided to hunker down at his sleeping spot but still has his eyes open ???? must be tired from all the new climbing space.
so much more room for activities!! :D
Hey Ben, I noticed 14 doing this the other nite while we were visiting, and was told it was normal for him. But you know my boys, they are ready for bed 2 hours before lights out!!

Is this Darwin or Komp?
new behavior?
on the fr or cage?
mine does too sometimes. made me nervous first few times but then I realized she is going to do what a girl wants to do!
My xanth female is usually in her sleeping spot an hour, somtimes 2 hours before lights out! But rarely, when I check on her she's still wandering around 10min before lights out! If the lights go out on her wandering she will continue to make her way to the sleeping spot in the dark :/ So I wouldn't be conserned if its an isolated incident, or is your animal doing this consistantly?
komp in the cage. he has walked around a little when the lights have been out but tonight for some reason he was doing all kinds of weird stuff for like 40 minutes or something. i think he has stopped moving finally.. he keeps climing on the cage and his grip isnt super great so it makes me afraid he is going to fall off :(
we havent talked about anything lately :( he had to come to my house.

i dont know if its an issue or not. i know he CAN grip tight but he usually doesnt grip super tight.. idk what to do.
Without complete darkness my Chams will sometimes move about when lights go out. Most days they settle down before they go out though.

Try to remove any other lighting from the room.
When it's totally dark it would be very unusual for him to walk around I think, but sometimes my guy will wander a little in the evening if the room light is still on. My girl just stops wherever she is when the lights go out, lol
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