Any Shops to Check Out Near Anaheim?


Avid Member
Hi everyone,

I have to head to Anahiem and work on a Saturday. I'm kind of bumbed about it, but thought I might want to take a break during the day and check out a Reptile store if there is one in the area.

So as the title suggests, is there any shops worth the while in the area?


Cool Thx for the info Dave, I'll be in Anaheim myself Feb. 22-24 with some friends. I'll definitely have to check that place out :)
Radical Reptiles is a cool shop. Last time I was in the area they had quite a few chams along with lots of others cool things.
Thanks for the recomendation Dave. It was a nice break at the end of the day:)

I walked out with about $20 in feeders:eek:

They are having a sale of 25% off their panthers, with Juvies at $200 or after discount $150.

There was a few unhealthy panthers, but I guess that is just about everywhere.
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