always wanting to get the turts.


Avid Member
my cham cage is right next to my turtle tank and my cham is always down in that side trying to get to the turtles. he used to be in the tank when he was little, and when he gets out he usually climbs all over that. i dont no why he keeps on doing this.
could it be the sound of the running water?
does he just want to hang out with them?
he was with the turtles when he was little?

I'm guessing its the sound of running water. :)

I know thats why my dragons bother them though.
Considering chameleons don't have ears, I highly doubt the sound of running water is what's bothering him.

Trace, you beat me to it. Now you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring.
i would say its far more likely appealing visually, than sound or vibration, thats nonsense. When light hits water it does wonders to the chameleon eye, the prism, exactly where I will continue to believe chameleons have evolved their color from until someone scientifically makes me believe otherwise
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