Okay so a week or two passed since i got my veiled, not much changed in husbandry if anyone need that info i can copy paste it here just ask. I left him completely alone for the first week and then tried offering him my hand to climb on as well as occasionaly providing him one or two feeders from hand so he learns that i do not want to hurt him.
Once when i came home from work and came up to his cage, he immidiately ran towards the doors and towards me, so i opened the cage door and ofered him my hand. He literally ran on my hand, both eyes focused on window thats on the oppopsite site of room with stringy-like curtains. I then tried to follow his eyesight and offered him to climb on the curtains which he did right away.
Now every day in the morning when im about to feed him he asks to go out! He follows my hand everywhere and when i come close he tries to climb on me. It seems like after few hours there he has enough, climbs on me when offered and calmly returns to his cage where he basks eat and all the rest like normal. Is this normal behavior? Should i allow him to go there every day as he wants to ?
The curtain he likes is in front of the window thats always opened in summer to get fresh air, and it has insect screen on it, so he can bask but i dont think hes getting much UVB through that screen.. does it hurt him if hes just climbing there for a few hours a day?
Once when i came home from work and came up to his cage, he immidiately ran towards the doors and towards me, so i opened the cage door and ofered him my hand. He literally ran on my hand, both eyes focused on window thats on the oppopsite site of room with stringy-like curtains. I then tried to follow his eyesight and offered him to climb on the curtains which he did right away.
Now every day in the morning when im about to feed him he asks to go out! He follows my hand everywhere and when i come close he tries to climb on me. It seems like after few hours there he has enough, climbs on me when offered and calmly returns to his cage where he basks eat and all the rest like normal. Is this normal behavior? Should i allow him to go there every day as he wants to ?
The curtain he likes is in front of the window thats always opened in summer to get fresh air, and it has insect screen on it, so he can bask but i dont think hes getting much UVB through that screen.. does it hurt him if hes just climbing there for a few hours a day?