Affected by the Haze?


New Member
Hey everyone. I have a 3 months old veiled chameleon. Everything was fine for a month and then my country got hit by the HAZE from neighbouring country. Even after closing all windows, I could feel itchyness on the skin and eyes. So I thought nothing of it and just leave my cham the way it is in a glass tank, with some twigs and vines, a mini fan, with a UVA light switched on 4 hrs a day. And then he lied on the floor on his sides and got weaker.

Day 1: Managed to eat a banana. And a cricket was gone by the time I get home.

Day 2: Put two crickets, one gone and the other still in the tank. Unfortunately, my poor defenseless cham got bitten in the arm! I also managed to get a UVB, thinking it might help.

So what do you think could be the problem here? Saw some birds and cat which died due to the haze. Could that be the problem here?

Please help and thanks in advance. PS: Vet is not an option.
Do you mean like a sandstorm type haze? Or pollution? Or...? When I lived in Spain (and when I go back to visit) it's not unusual to wake up in Madrid and find that the air is thick with sand and dust from Africa. I assume you're in a country that doesn't permit exotic pets?

Please fill out the form Camimom provided, it'll help us out quite a bit. And some photos too, if you can take some. We'd love to help you but we can't make any reasonable guesses without more info.
Hey everyone. I have a 3 months old veiled chameleon. Everything was fine for a month and then my country got hit by the HAZE from neighbouring country. Even after closing all windows, I could feel itchyness on the skin and eyes. So I thought nothing of it and just leave my cham the way it is in a glass tank, with some twigs and vines, a mini fan, with a UVA light switched on 4 hrs a day. And then he lied on the floor on his sides and got weaker.

Day 1: Managed to eat a banana. And a cricket was gone by the time I get home.

Day 2: Put two crickets, one gone and the other still in the tank. Unfortunately, my poor defenseless cham got bitten in the arm! I also managed to get a UVB, thinking it might help.

So what do you think could be the problem here? Saw some birds and cat which died due to the haze. Could that be the problem here?

Please help and thanks in advance. PS: Vet is not an option.
A 3 month old veil is going to eat more that one cricket if well. What size cricket was left in the tank? A fan on a tank is going to dry out a tank fairly fast. What are you doing for hydration? Did you force feed the banana, or did your veil readily eat the banana?
[/IMG][/IMG]Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, Male, 3 months. 1 month plus
1 - 3 times a day. I did not touch his spine. And rarely I would let him hangout on an articial branch overnight. In the morning before going to work, I put him back to his cage.

Feeding - Mostly Crickets, sometimes insects like small house spiders, big ants with wings, and a grasshopper once and some mealworms.

What amount (2-3).

What is the schedule: Every morning

How are you gut-loading your feeders: I feed crickets with vegetables

Supplementsoe - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule? Exo Terra, Calcium + D3. 4 crickets a week.

Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? Normal bottle spray with drinking water

How often and how long to you mist? 4 times a day

Do you see your chameleon drinking? Yes, when he was fine.

Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings: Sometimes black, white and currently yellow.

Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No

History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you: As mentioned I suspect it due to the Haze. The haze came from Indonesia where many forests were on fire..thus the smoke came to our country and that is a haze. It was at hazardous level even my eyes and skin could feel its impact even after I closed all windows and doors. My mistake, I didnt bring the tank into my room because I thought it wouldnt have any impact on him. :(

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?): Glass
What are the dimensions? L 60cm x 30cmW x 35cmH

Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?: When he was healthy, I was told that Exo Terra 13W "Natural Light" is enough for at least 4 hours everyday. It says here full spectrum but the box also indicated theres only UVA not UVB. So now that he is sick, I switch on Exo Terra Repti Glo 5.0 UVB 13W light. Now for both I switch it on for longer periods.

Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps? I was told that they do not need to bask. With the lights I have is enough. The temperature in my country is about 30+ deg celcius.

Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity? I do not have anything to measure these.

Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? Money plant but they are dying. I also used some dead vines which was boiled before putting them in.
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?: Its located on top of my shoe rack about 1.5m tall. It has good ventilation because wind is coming from the kitchen and living room window. I also put a mini fan and switch it on for 24 hrs. I was told that they need ventilation.

Location - Where are you geographically located? Singapore.


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cricket wasnt so big. but i ever gave a big cricket and he managed to swallow it. is it bad for him? as for the banana, he opened his mouth so I assumed he wants to eat it so i put a small portion in his mouth. that was the first time i saw him eat a fruit. and yesterday i put another small portion because he is not eating at all.. I also from time to time put droplets of water in his mouth because he is not drinking at all..current situation he is in now is he would just lie there, eyes opened but not sunken and not that big. they are not looking all over the place. And sometimes he would move his hind legs, tail and sometimes take big breathe as if he has trouble breathing. I still hope for the best and please advice me what to do next. Thank you all so much!
He looks bad, poor thing. I don't know if there's anything we can do. What happened to his front arm, do you know?

Chameleons (like birds) have delicate little lungs, and if this haze (which is presumably way above toxic level, now that I've seen it in the news) has gotten into the house it wouldn't surprise me that his lungs have suffered for it.

I'm really sorry!
And stay safe yourself, this haze is bad and we don't want you to get ill from it either.
Yes it hit a record of 3HR PSI reading of 400+ in our country. Now the haze has moved to Malaysia. His arm was bitten by a cricket. Anyway he didnt make it this morning.
Thanks everyone for the reply. and thanks we will take care of ourselves. the haze has temporarily moved to Malaysia.. I am not sure if I am able to keep another one. Anyway about the info which I have just provided, did I make any mistake?
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