New Member
Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, Male had him since December at a guess he is only 4 mths of age.
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? On average once a day
Feeding - I’ve only been able to get him to eat crickets but I offer super worms and woodies. I use Picies Gutload and Superfood
Supplements - URS ultimate calcium on his crickets
Watering - I have a water bottle I spray over the plants three times a day for a few minutes and a mister that is on at 8am and again at night before bed at 7pm for 10 mins I’m not seeing him drink
Fecal Description - Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No
His poop was black with a white tip but the past 5 days it’s non existent and yellow
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Reprilr One (Glass, Screen, Combo) 60x45x60
Lighting - EcoTech UVA UVB light on from 8am till 7pm
Temperature - temp range would be 24-29degrees under reptile one 80 watt bulb that self regulates with a thermometer and will not go over 29 degrees at highest basking place. Lamp sits 6inches above highest branch
Humidity - sits at around 70 measured which th a reptile one hydrometer
Plants - live plants in terracotta pots pothos and silk reptile one plants in back wall of cage to create more hiding space
Placement - terrarium located in family room at r conditioned and fans running keeping the house temp at around 25 degrees
Location - Queensland Australia sub tropical climate similar to Florida
Current Problem - The current problem is that 5 days ago I saw Randal vomit he is off his food, sitting on the bottom of his terrarium eyes appear dark and closed. Fecaes are smaller and a yellow tip have not seen him drinking from leaves or his water bowl nor eat. At 4 months not treated for any parasites either.
I’m happy to find an exotic vet but want to make sure I keep him going until I can get to someone tomorrow after Easter.
I know he needs a bigger cage but being in Australia I’m finding it difficult to find the correct dimensions for him, he currently is only approx 12-15cm long any advice is greatly appreciated especially to help get him drinking
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? On average once a day
Feeding - I’ve only been able to get him to eat crickets but I offer super worms and woodies. I use Picies Gutload and Superfood
Supplements - URS ultimate calcium on his crickets
Watering - I have a water bottle I spray over the plants three times a day for a few minutes and a mister that is on at 8am and again at night before bed at 7pm for 10 mins I’m not seeing him drink
Fecal Description - Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No
His poop was black with a white tip but the past 5 days it’s non existent and yellow
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Reprilr One (Glass, Screen, Combo) 60x45x60
Lighting - EcoTech UVA UVB light on from 8am till 7pm
Temperature - temp range would be 24-29degrees under reptile one 80 watt bulb that self regulates with a thermometer and will not go over 29 degrees at highest basking place. Lamp sits 6inches above highest branch
Humidity - sits at around 70 measured which th a reptile one hydrometer
Plants - live plants in terracotta pots pothos and silk reptile one plants in back wall of cage to create more hiding space
Placement - terrarium located in family room at r conditioned and fans running keeping the house temp at around 25 degrees
Location - Queensland Australia sub tropical climate similar to Florida
Current Problem - The current problem is that 5 days ago I saw Randal vomit he is off his food, sitting on the bottom of his terrarium eyes appear dark and closed. Fecaes are smaller and a yellow tip have not seen him drinking from leaves or his water bowl nor eat. At 4 months not treated for any parasites either.
I’m happy to find an exotic vet but want to make sure I keep him going until I can get to someone tomorrow after Easter.
I know he needs a bigger cage but being in Australia I’m finding it difficult to find the correct dimensions for him, he currently is only approx 12-15cm long any advice is greatly appreciated especially to help get him drinking