A Frolic in the Fall Foliage (pic heavy)

Thanks everyone! :)

In the case of other terrestrial lizard species and snakes they lick to take scents from the ground and air and transmit them to the vomeronasal organ on the roof of the mouth directly. So essentially they are smelling their environment. It's brought up in a previous thread that panthers are often seen doing this behavior, but not veileds. There were a few other species (I want to say carpets and oustalets, but don't quote me on that) lick as they explore also. Both of my panthers do it, but I've never seen my veiled or Jackson do it.

Just a fyi...
I've seen my male Quads in the past do this, and also my current fishers. Both nowhere near as much as panthers, but they did it.

I think he was a little frustrated! He was doing anything to get back to her. I even put them in separate bushes (like 5 feet apart) to get some sun after photo time and when he saw her he climbed down his bush and hauled buns to hers. He didn't settle out of his fired up colors for the rest of the day.

That's too funny!!
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