having trouble with dehydration?? try this


Retired Moderator
I have started using a strange method for keeping my chams well hydrated. This works best for hand feeding and can be used if cup feeding, free range feeding might be a problem. Before I hand feed my chams crickets, I dip them in water. At first Annie was having trouble getting the crickets to stick to her tongue, but she adjusted fast, now she grabs them out of my fingers. If you are cup feeding only dip and feed a very few at a time. Do keep in mind that supplements will not stick to wet feeders. I do not find this works well it most feeders.

This is not a solution for everyone, but if you can get your chams to accept feeders after dipping them it will make a good start to keeping them hydrated. This works even if your Cham is well hydrated. I always like to be sure of the few things we can control.
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I think this will definitely work if you are hand feeding and the chameleon accepts the insect right away. It's not going to solve chronic dehydration but it will get some water into a chameleon.

Crickets can and will drown themselves in even the smallest drop of water so adding some water to a cup will soon turn into cricket soup. Blech!
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