color of pee?


New Member
Hey guy and gals, can someone tell me what color cham pee and poop is suppose to look like? I know I read it somewhere, but have read so muuh in the last week I am going blind. haha. Going on day 4 having him. His color is great, eyes look good and he is eating, (haven't seen him drink sense day 2)(when it rained) and very active, but his pee was a little yellow today. I am stressing out more than him, I don't want to mess up or let a problem go too long. He hides when I mist(twice daily) and stares at the dripper. He maybe drinking but I don't see him.
a bit of yellow isn't an issue. If it's all yellow, you probably need to up the hydration. You're going for white or ivory. A touch of yellow or orange at the tip is okay.

It's very common for them to refuse to drink in front of you. When you mist, make sure you replicate the "rain" effect. Get everything dripping.
It's very common for them to refuse to drink in front of you. When you mist, make sure you replicate the "rain" effect. Get everything dripping.

I just Figured this out a couple of days ago my cham really like the water dripping off the top of the screen as well as the leaves.

I just saw mine drink today in front of me for the first time in like 3 weeks. Her urates were fine so i wasnt worried
Howdy Mary,

It's been a while since I posted the "Official Poop Shots" so here ya go... :):

ok,, since i'm new and learning... are they both good or is one good and one bad or are they both bad???????????????????????? :confused:

Both of these are text book good. Look at it as the brown one is poop and the white one is pee. They will be together poop first followed by pee. If the pee is orange it shows dehydration.
Ok its not quite right then got some orange so i know he is dehydrated im spraying him at least 3 times a day but he doesnt like it and just runs away, will be trying the shower technique just trying to find something sturdy enough for him to sit on, ive managed to get him to drink a tiny bit since i got him which has been a week is there any way to get him to recognise the dripper? is there anything else i can do for him? he is going to the vets at the end of the month. Also noticed he doesnt tend to poo untill we take him outside like the sun light sets him off any reason for this?
When misting them most of them react by running away...but I spray the cages and then come back when they've had time to "think" about it and realize that I'm going to water them...and mist water on the tip of the nose gently...and with a little perserverance they will drink.
Both of these are text book good. Look at it as the brown one is poop and the white one is pee. They will be together poop first followed by pee. If the pee is orange it shows dehydration.

Do they always poop first then pee? Just wondering cos mine always do it the other way around, lol! Lily used to pee first then poop too. Maybe the American chams do things back to front, lol!
Also noticed he doesnt tend to poo untill we take him outside like the sun light sets him off any reason for this?

Other people have reported that putting them out in the sun triggers poop. Getting them really wet also seems to help.
Putting my first female out in the sun would rpetty much guarantee a poop! Even in the sun by a window would have the same effect!:D
I'm no expert, but I've find that if mine wont drink for a while, if I spray them in the face a bit, until drops form on their casque, they will ultimately start to lick their "lips"...and then I spray a little more intensely.
it should be fairly solid, not runny, but well formed and soft. Hope that helps. Also some foods will cause a runny poop.
Fairly solid should be the norm.....a gooey poop every so often is probably not cause for alarm, it's the over all pattern that's important (like every other bad poop does not a disaster make).
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