Where do I Start? Guide to the forums...

So here are some links and things to know about the Chameleon Forums. For newcomers as well as some seasoned members there could be some features that you don't know exist, or just cant seem to find them when you need them.


First off the resources page...
Probably the most common thing referenced here is the link to the caresheets...
This is a must read for any new keeper. Many of the topics here will immediately put into question the things you may have heard from the pet stores. Although there are no absolute answers, the advice given here will set you on the path to success.

A section of the resource page not used enough (in my opinion) is the Frequently Asked Questions...

So many questions are commonly discussed on the forums and this could be a great tool for new members to utilize to point them in the right direction. Often times the same questions have been asked multiple times in the same day, but if you are new to the forums you wouldn't know where to find them. The FAQ section should be one of your first stops on your journey!

Links for Enclosures, Lighting, Watering Needs, Food and Nutrition, Live Plants and Chameleon Health are also available for reference.

Here is the link to the Terms and Rules...

If you do notice a violation of a rule you are encouraged to report the issue to the site staff. At the bottom of each post is an option to report a post. This is often used incorrectly by members to tell the site staff that they disagree with something that has been posted. This is generally used to report language, personal attacks, spam, double posting of the same topic or post, disputes with business owners, soliciting, etc. If unsure, then by all means report something. The Site Staff will make a determination if a rule was broken and act accordingly.

A separate section of rules for Forum Classifieds...

This section describes the rules and qualifications to be able to advertise here on the Forums.

Here are some other links to some features...
https://www.chameleonforums.com/help/smilies Shows the current list of Smilies available
https://www.chameleonforums.com/help/bb-codes Shows how to create BB codes in posts
https://www.chameleonforums.com/help/trophies Shows the icons and definitions of trophies
https://www.chameleonforums.com/help/medals Shows a list of medals and what they stand for
https://www.chameleonforums.com/help/membership-info/ Shows the levels of Forum Membership

https://www.chameleonforums.com/usermap/ Shows the location of Forum Members around the world


Ive been a member since may and I'm still not able to post. Am I not doing something right??
Do you mean in the classifieds? If so, see the links above about classifieds and also membership levels. Through posting and interaction on the forums you can quickly go from New member to member. The more you post the more likes you get, and then you are able to post in classifieds. You still are limited to how many posts and how often.
Hi, I have 3 chameleons my nosy b blue panther Max has been closing his eyes and when they are shut does a lot of eye rolling. There is something going on that is not good. I do not have a local chameleon vet in my area. I know more than our local vet does. He is still eating and drinking, though I’ve been putting water and food closer to him. I want to send pics can you tell me how? He eats gutloaded crickets, mealworms, super worms and wax worms. Please help.. I love my chameleons and I’m frightened..
Hi, I have 3 chameleons my nosy b blue panther Max has been closing his eyes and when they are shut does a lot of eye rolling. There is something going on that is not good. I do not have a local chameleon vet in my area. I know more than our local vet does. He is still eating and drinking, though I’ve been putting water and food closer to him. I want to send pics can you tell me how? He eats gutloaded crickets, mealworms, super worms and wax worms. Please help.. I love my chameleons and I’m frightened..
Hmmm, Sounds like it could be something stuck in there and needs to be flushed out. Perhaps a few longer misting sessions? I would definitely start a thread in the health forum and cut and paste the questions from the "How to ask for help" post....
That way we can take a look at all your husbandry and see if there is anything else going on that could be an issue.

Hi, I have 3 chameleons my nosy b blue panther Max has been closing his eyes and when they are shut does a lot of eye rolling. There is something going on that is not good. I do not have a local chameleon vet in my area. I know more than our local vet does. He is still eating and drinking, though I’ve been putting water and food closer to him. I want to send pics can you tell me how? He eats gutloaded crickets, mealworms, super worms and wax worms. Please help.. I love my chameleons and I’m frightened..
Go here...


and ask your question and also fill in the questions above so everyone can try to help.
Hola soy nuevo y quiero darle las gracias por aceptarme. Les comento que encontró una página donde también hay información relevante sobre las especies de camaleones y como criarlos, su alimentación, como construir una jaula ect. Aqui les dejo el link por si gustan visitarla. www.camaleonesexoticos.com , y sigan asi me gusta el foro

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