You Gain one, You lose one.


New Member
I have been noticeing alot of new chameleon owners joining out community,

unfortunately, I will be retiring from chameleon keeping :(.( for now)

I am off to college in the fall, and I hardly even skimmed the surface of keeping chameleons. ( although I am well educated on it) But I have BIG dreams for the future.
I have been noticeing alot of new chameleon owners joining out community,

unfortunately, I will be retiring from chameleon keeping :(.( for now)

I am off to college in the fall, and I hardly even skimmed the surface of keeping chameleons. ( although I am well educated on it) But I have BIG dreams for the future.

Pleasure having you, Best of luck in your ventures to come. i'm sure we'll be looking forward to seeing you again someday. What are you off to college for?
I'm going to Baylor University for a Major in Biology. I haven't really chosen a career choice, just narrowed it down to afew.

I'll probably stick around, but will miss keeping chams.
We could always use a good biologist on a forum like this. Your hobby could help spurn your hobby into a career? Best of luck, have fun in college, a great time in most peoples life.
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