Why Is My Baby Cham Eating So Much.


New Member
Me veiled chameleon is still really little (I'll attach a picture so you can see) but he's eating a lot. Today he's eaten 19 small crickets already. When his food bowl is empty I refill it with 3-5 crickets and he'll immediately crawl down and eat them all. Is this something I should be worried about?

*sorry the picture is bad quality*


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:) from what you say nothing to worry about. He is eating lots because he is a hungry growing boy.
Gizmo (my veiled) ate up to 30 crickets a day up until a couple weeks ago. He's 4.5 months old. He's slowed down because he isn't shedding and growing as significantly as he was from 2-4 months.
Gizmo (my veiled) ate up to 30 crickets a day up until a couple weeks ago. He's 4.5 months old. He's slowed down because he isn't shedding and growing as significantly as he was from 2-4 months.

Nice to know he won't be eating like this forever!:D:D
He looks great:) they eat you out of house and home for a while :)

For instance, Kuzco ate 25 crickets, 4 flies and 10 worms the other day lol.
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