When Will My Girl Want My Boy


New Member
Thanks for the info that my 16 month old female Veiled will be laying eggs about every 120 to 130 days. She laid her first clutch on June 10th, so that is...about 90 days ago....

My male and female have enclosures side by side. I lowered the visual divider so I can kinda watch her behavior. Nacho, boy, always loves her and sleeps near her, but I wanna watch her behavior towards him.

When might she wanna be put in with him?...she gets very, very cranky and hissy when I handle her so I don't wanna put her in there and take her out, cause her behavior will show him aggression but that's towards me not him.

Plus, I don't wanna put my male in with her as he's an MBD boy and his enclosure is specially designed for his climbing abilities. I just wanna have a window of when she may be looking for a hot night....

Thanks everyone for your great advice. Being in China, it's tough, it's not a place for pets, especially oddballs like Chamies. I just rescued a tiny bat and cause no one in my city even knew there were bats in this city I've had to rely on internet and general knowledge to save him. Wing not salvageable so now I have a pet bat. Was hoping for rescue and release.
I just rescued a tiny bat and cause no one in my city even knew there were bats in this city I've had to rely on internet and general knowledge to save him. Wing not salvageable so now I have a pet bat. Was hoping for rescue and release.

Be advised that most bats are carriers of rabies. Many people have been unknowingly nibbled by a bat in their sleep and then show symptoms of rabies many months later. Once they have symptoms, there is no way to save them. Handling any wild bat without a rabies shot is very dangerous and should be avoided at all cost.
I would place them in a neutral spot and watch for female to turn black, gape or hiss. If so try again a different day. If no aggressive behavior, give them a little space and breeding should commence.

I've seen them leave cage and travel clear across room for a little bump and grind. Breeding instinct is pretty strong, just have to set the mood. Good luck, David.
Ya, everyone says that about bats, the information is not correct. People have a belief that bats are disease ridden vermin but in fact less than 5% of bats even carry rabies. In fact, one Uni study in Canada found only about 1%.

Anyway, I'm sorry I even mentioned it to get the same info about bats. I've learned more about bats in the past month then then most people would in a life time.
I've learned more about bats in the past month then then most people would in a life time.

Glad to hear you've done some research. Around here bats are guilty until proven innocent, so if you come in contact with one, you get your shots. Hopefully you've had yours tested, or play the odds that it is not one of the few percent.

With your female, since she shows aggression towards you handling her, don't handle her directly when you transfer her over to the male's enclosure. Place a branch into her enclosure that you leave in there full time, but can get out easily. When she is on the branch, transfer her over to the male's enclosure branch and all. She'll likely still be stressed, but as long as she is not gaping and hissing when he sees her, you should be ok.

Best of luck to you.

This guy has a bat. So lucky. I once found a baby hawk @ work that was abandoned by mom. She would screech at him and dive at him. Finally one day, her and the babies left. So i took him home. Since i was breeding pythons, i had mice. A couple weeks later, i let loose a healthy bird of prey. He flew the edge of the yard and stopped on fence. he screeched and took off. I know he did well because he stayed in the woods off the train tracks. he was still alive about 1 1/2 yrs later when i moved. I am allergic to bird feathers, but didn't care. He was the coolest pet i've ever had.
Holy poo, I'm sorry I every mentioned anything about my awesome pet bat....Bat Boy is crazy interesting and I love having this crazy cool pet...he is a street rescue that I decided I couldn't just leave him to die.....his wing is totaled so now I have a bat..........

NOW, what I was asking about was my female chameleon. As usual I've just tried to learn on my own what to do. I was hoping to get information from people that know something but...

...have loved the help in that past I got cause I'm in Northern China and there is NO HELP FOR ME, so I rely on the inter-web. But in the long run, I tried to calculate how many days before she lays her next eggs and now decided to put her in with my male and created a path between their two enclosures that only she will use cause he's not so mobile.....any body got anything helpful to tell ME???????

Maybe setup a neutral place for both of them. somewhere he can still move around too. One person hold the female and another hold the male. walk together letting them see each other. if neither shows aggression, set them down.
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