what's you opinions on Climist vs Mistking? (timer specifically, and/or whole unit)


Avid Member
I am in the market for a digital seconds timer, because the timer I currently have only has 1-minute increments. I was going to go with the Mistking digital seconds timer, but I've read so many times that the Mistking SYSTEM is great, but the Mistking TIMER is horrible, and it fails ALOT, and that is why they came out with a new design for it (which, sadly, they say can only be used with a Mistking System, which I do not own). Anyways....

I'm sure we are all aware of the Mistking watering/misting system that is out that I'm referring to. Millions of people use it, and recommend it as the best system there is on the market.

I came across this other misting system the other day, called CLIMIST, made by Coastal Exotics Inc, while searching for a Mistking timer alternative....


And here is their timer that led me to their website...


Looks exactly like the Mistking timer:


I mean, both of them look 99.9% identical, but the Climist timer states that "This is the highest quality most versatile timer available in the USA for anything from auto misting systems, lighting, to hydroponic use."

So if it's the highest quality, but LOOKS like a Mistking timer, does that mean it PERFORMS better than a Mistking timer, regardless of looks? Or does that mean it's the same thing, and it's gonna fail?

Has anyone ever used that Climist system, or even heard of it? I'm pretty sure it's a fairly new unit/company this is on the market because I've not really found too much about it online.... I was wondering how it matches up to the Mistking if anybody knows? On the Climist website, it states that the Climist misting system is "Capable of producing the best mist output and quietest operation in the industry" and is also "backed by Coastal Exotics Inc 100% satiation guarantee under proper use and installation!"

Anyone ever used it though or know anyone who has/does? Please don't just say "Mistking is better" because that is the best one we KNOW of... I wanna hear thoughts and ideas from people who may know how the Climist performs.


Or any opinions on my timer dilemma would be great too. Should I get the Climist timer and pray it performs a little better than the Mistking timer (although I'm honestly pretty sure they are the same thing....), or is there a better option out there as far as ones that can do increments in seconds? My only other alternative is the Mistking timer but like I stated before, I've read lots and lots about how those tend to go out and that is why they changed the design.

I know the NEW Mistking timer SAYS it cannot be used on anything other than a Mistking.... but is that just a ploy so you are forced to buy their system if you want it? Or can you really hook it up to other systems and it be fine? I'd think you SHOULD be able to do that because all it really is, is a board that controls electrical current flow. SHOULD be able to operate on ANY unit, shouldn't it?

I think the problem with most digital timers is power surges frying the electronics. I have a timer from Mistking, one from Aquazamp, and one from Promist. I haven't had any issues as of yet. I plan on putting them on surge protectors before the summer, just in case. I have heard of the Climist setup, and it looks good, but I haven't needed to add another system, yet. When I do, I plan to give it a try.
This is the first I have herd of this being a real problem. I have had my Mist King for years now without issue, and other than the other day on a thread, and now have I heard of this. As for as the Climist I'm with you it looks identical with the older style Mist King, but I wonder if it has the same great service you receive from marty at Mist King. I found a seconds timer on Amazon for a lot cheaper, but haven't owned it so I can't bouch for it's quality, but at this price might be worth taking a chance.http://www.amazon.com/dp/B010AH61G4...olid=2JU9GKVWQ5QYS&coliid=ITEP9LHQZM4U9&psc=1


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I am in the market for a digital seconds timer, because the timer I currently have only has 1-minute increments. I was going to go with the Mistking digital seconds timer, but I've read so many times that the Mistking SYSTEM is great, but the Mistking TIMER is horrible, and it fails ALOT, and that is why they came out with a new design for it (which, sadly, they say can only be used with a Mistking System, which I do not own). Anyways....

I'm sure we are all aware of the Mistking watering/misting system that is out that I'm referring to. Millions of people use it, and recommend it as the best system there is on the market.

I came across this other misting system the other day, called CLIMIST, made by Coastal Exotics Inc, while searching for a Mistking timer alternative....


And here is their timer that led me to their website...


Looks exactly like the Mistking timer:


I mean, both of them look 99.9% identical, but the Climist timer states that "This is the highest quality most versatile timer available in the USA for anything from auto misting systems, lighting, to hydroponic use."

So if it's the highest quality, but LOOKS like a Mistking timer, does that mean it PERFORMS better than a Mistking timer, regardless of looks? Or does that mean it's the same thing, and it's gonna fail?

Has anyone ever used that Climist system, or even heard of it? I'm pretty sure it's a fairly new unit/company this is on the market because I've not really found too much about it online.... I was wondering how it matches up to the Mistking if anybody knows? On the Climist website, it states that the Climist misting system is "Capable of producing the best mist output and quietest operation in the industry" and is also "backed by Coastal Exotics Inc 100% satiation guarantee under proper use and installation!"

Anyone ever used it though or know anyone who has/does? Please don't just say "Mistking is better" because that is the best one we KNOW of... I wanna hear thoughts and ideas from people who may know how the Climist performs.


Or any opinions on my timer dilemma would be great too. Should I get the Climist timer and pray it performs a little better than the Mistking timer (although I'm honestly pretty sure they are the same thing....), or is there a better option out there as far as ones that can do increments in seconds? My only other alternative is the Mistking timer but like I stated before, I've read lots and lots about how those tend to go out and that is why they changed the design.

I know the NEW Mistking timer SAYS it cannot be used on anything other than a Mistking.... but is that just a ploy so you are forced to buy their system if you want it? Or can you really hook it up to other systems and it be fine? I'd think you SHOULD be able to do that because all it really is, is a board that controls electrical current flow. SHOULD be able to operate on ANY unit, shouldn't it?

My guess is you would simply need to put connections on wires so they can be joined. A timer is simply a switch
This is the first I have herd of this being a real problem. I have had my Mist King for years now without issue, and other than the other day on a thread, and now have I heard of this.

Yea, those old timers were a problem, and lots of people were having them fail. Now I'm not sure how many "lots" is, but it was enough to make Marty dissatisfied with the older style, and that's why he has the newer style timers now.

Aren't the mistking timer problems from the older model?

Yes, the problems were with the older model. the one i posted a link to at LLL Reptile

My guess is you would simply need to put connections on wires so they can be joined. A timer is simply a switch

My thoughts exactly.
I found a seconds timer on Amazon for a lot cheaper, but haven't owned it so I can't bouch for it's quality, but at this price might be worth taking a chance

At 4.5 out of 5 stars, for that price, it might be worth taking that chance. But on the other hand, it says it is made in China. And idk about ya'll, but my experience with Chinese stuff is, JUNK. Hmm... hard decision though..... With all them positive reviews though...... Hmm......


I just got done looking into Wi-Fi timers.... Ever heard of those?

I never knew of such a thing.... Neat really, now I'm considering THAT too.....

Lots of different ones... but basically, the timer is connected via Wi-Fi to the internet at your house. It runs on an app, which will vary with different brands of the Wi-Fi timers you can buy. You have this app on your phone too, and you can access that app, and turn on that timer, remotely, from anywhere, any time. And you can turn it back off again. I could literally, manually mist my cham, at any time, from anywhere, as long as I got my phone with me.

Anyone ever tried THAT??? Sounds very compelling... So many decisions.

Life is full of so many decisions.....lol ;)


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At 4.5 out of 5 stars, for that price, it might be worth taking that chance. But on the other hand, it says it is made in China. And idk about ya'll, but my experience with Chinese stuff is, JUNK. Hmm... hard decision though..... With all them positive reviews though...... Hmm......

Being chinese made and having your pump fail could be months before you get replacement parts! Mistking for me!
Just some people have had them click on and stay on. Which I'm sure happens here and there with ANY brand, no matter who you choose. The thing about mechanics and electronics though is not if they will fail, but when. Nothing lasts forever, sadly.

If you have had one for a while then I'd not sweat it. You probably got a good unit. Some people just didn't get lucky and theirs have failed in a few months or a year.
I've only heard good things about Mistking. I got my aquazamp raindome and have never had a minutes trouble out of it.... so far. I know I've heard of monsoon doing what you're describing. Good luck!
Just wondering if you ever went ahead and got the Climist system? I am planning on ordering one soon from what I can see it seems to be just as good if not a better system for slightly less price plus they offer free shipping and a bonus item. I see so many posts on here about problems with MistKing I will be giving Climist a try soon and will post reviews and monitor longevity.
I have owned a Climist system for over a year now and have had no issues with it does everything I need it to do. It all came down to price for me since climist was cheaper I bought it and have been happy with it.
Thanks I just ordered the smaller kit, just curious what pieces would it take to rig up for a 2nd smaller cage?
This all depends on how many misters you want to put on the second enclosure. You will definitely need a (T) connector, and a mister, and tubing, and if you choose a second mister choose the one with the (T) connector.
The Mistking timer can be removed. When you plug the Mistking pump directly into the power transformer, it will run continuously. This will allow you to use ANY outlet timer that you wish, including the Amazon one above. I saw some cheaper timers on eBay for $9 that are $13 on Amazon, and got good ratings
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