New Member
guys i am trying to breed waxworms for a month and a half now but with little success up to now. Here is what im doing : im mixing wheat bran, honey and glycerol until i get a not very moist substance. Everything was going great in the begining. Starting with only 20 waxworms i had a few thousand in the jar i use. The temperatures are between 27-30 degrees C. But the mixture started to mould. What i saw was the jar being heated to even greater tepmerature by the worms in it. I thought that the mixture is too moist and made a new one a lot dryer also waited for 1 day before using it. It was difficult to move the worms but i did it. But the result is the same the mixture started moulding. Now i have around 200-300 waxworms and obviously some kind of problem please help me figure what am i doing wrong