water ?


New Member
Definitely getting a basic mistking would i also need a dripper ? Thinking panther chameleon just getting everything in line lol
Maybe not. Some chameleons are picky about whether they prefer misting or dripping and some are less picky. You can always set a few shorter sessions during the days to wet everything down and do a longer session in the morning and afternoon.

The mistking is wonderful, by the way. You will love it.
Definitely getting a basic mistking would i also need a dripper ? Thinking panther chameleon just getting everything in line lol

No, you won't need a dripper. The MistKing will run and put lots of drips on the leaves. They may also drink the mist droplets as it's running.
I have a Mistking, and don't use a dripper. But ultimately it will depend on your cham. and weather it will dink it's fill from the mister. If not then you will need to add a dripper. You'll just have to moniter it, and then decide.
I use both, but no all the time. Now that it is winter and dryer in the house, I put a drip cup up and let it drip throughout the day as well as running the Mistking x3 per day for approx. 5 min. a session. Lucky seems to like drinking directly from the dripper and from the leaves on occasion.
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