Veiled always very dark


New Member
Hey everyone, I might be freaking out more then I should but here is my situation. I have a veiled chameleon and for the past few days he always seems to be a dark brown color. I wouldn't normally be concerned but prior to this he was always very bright and colorful. I thought it might have had to do with his basking light because I was told when they are darker they are trying to get more heat so I got him a new light and a new thermometer w/probe just for his basking spot. The new build keeps his spot from 90-96 degrees which I’m hearing is a little on the high side (is it?). I still have the other bulb and when it’s in its about a constant 86. Is the basking light my problem or is there anything else I need to investigate more? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I just got home and snapped a few pics of him, still all dark :confused:


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its possible hes stressed by something.. any animals around him? how big is his cage? how old?
how long have you had him? how long has he been in this cage?
how much foliage does he have in his cage?
and 90-96 is a bit too hot for him.
Maybe he he sees something that resembles another chameleon, mines did this when I had a picture of him on the wall, or you may be bothering him too much
Don't you want the temp to be between 81 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit? I don't own any chameleons yet so I'm not speaking from experience but that's what this book told me...
Don't you want the temp to be between 81 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit? I don't own any chameleons yet so I'm not speaking from experience but that's what this book told me...

for adults maybe.
i dont go over 85 for basking.

babies and juvis need cooler temps, 80-83.
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its possible hes stressed by something.. any animals around him? how big is his cage? how old?
how long have you had him? how long has he been in this cage?
how much foliage does he have in his cage?
and 90-96 is a bit too hot for him.

no animals around, his cage is 16x18x36, hes about 4months old and has been in his cage since he was less then a month (since i got him) ive got a pic posted above of all his foilage, hes got about 7 vines all covered in leaves and 3 plants as well. ive put the 50 watt bulb back in and its been 80 at his basking spot 6" under his light.
I keep my male veileds at about 85-87degrees. Is he eating and have you seen him drinking? New to his cage? Sometimes my chams will get a little dark before a shed. Time for one? In a high traffic area?
Can you think of anything at all which has changed in his viv or in the room where you keep him?
I would say 90F is as hot as any adult male Veiled needs, yours isn't quite fully grown yet.

no nothings change thats one reason im concerned, its so/drastic and quick and hes stayin like it. at nightthough he looks fine in his pjs
I keep my male veileds at about 85-87degrees. Is he eating and have you seen him drinking? New to his cage? Sometimes my chams will get a little dark before a shed. Time for one? In a high traffic area?

hes eating fine, just ate 8 crickets and a superworm. he is in a kind of high traffic zone but with my schedule its really not high traffic, i put a blanket over his cage at night if i have any light on (im usually home at night and dont cover the bottom so he has airflow) he always sleeps fine. he shed about a week ago
My guy did darken considerably just before his 'teenage phase' - yours looks like a good size for 4 month old, could he be a bit older?

He looks healthy though and if he's still eating well I see no cause for panic yet :)
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