Avid Member
I received Var from a shipment that came in the summer of 2010. He's named after a beautiful river in France and also for his asymmetrical "V" rostrals. Var was a juvenile and in okay shape, his fellow imports were much worse off. They all survived and I found a fellow keeper I hoped to work with on breeding the species, Todnedo. Fast forward to 2013, a lot has happened. I have somehow (probably by dumb luck) managed to breed, hatch, and raise 3 clutches of babies. Todnedo has moved on to other projects but I'm still working away with Giant Monkey-tailed Fischer's - Kinyongia matschiei.
Var came back to me a little over a month ago. I just had to get some updated pics amongst the apricot and mulberry trees...
No filter or editing of any kind was used on these pics. Thanks for looking!
Var came back to me a little over a month ago. I just had to get some updated pics amongst the apricot and mulberry trees...

No filter or editing of any kind was used on these pics. Thanks for looking!