Var - Male Kinyongia matschiei


Avid Member
I received Var from a shipment that came in the summer of 2010. He's named after a beautiful river in France and also for his asymmetrical "V" rostrals. Var was a juvenile and in okay shape, his fellow imports were much worse off. They all survived and I found a fellow keeper I hoped to work with on breeding the species, Todnedo. Fast forward to 2013, a lot has happened. I have somehow (probably by dumb luck) managed to breed, hatch, and raise 3 clutches of babies. Todnedo has moved on to other projects but I'm still working away with Giant Monkey-tailed Fischer's - Kinyongia matschiei.

Var came back to me a little over a month ago. I just had to get some updated pics amongst the apricot and mulberry trees...










No filter or editing of any kind was used on these pics. Thanks for looking!
Var is just stunning. He doesn't show any signs of being w/c. I had given some thought to these guys at one time when you had some for sale. I think I will do a bit of reading so i can be ready when you have babies again. Excellent work Chad. Any chance I could see baby pictures?
Chad, he looks great. I'm also glad that you are continuing to try to breed such wonderful chameleons.

As someone who still has the two babies you sold to me, I can only say that T Mats are my new favorite and I wish you lots of luck with him.


This thread is awesome. What a great job-and beautiful species. Did you ever find out if those mats that came in recently were indeed WC animals, and did you snag any?

Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement. It really pays off when you see the chameleons thrive. I can't help but let them wander in the bushes and trees now and then...just to taste that freedom. I used to do chores in the backyard while letting them roam but unfortunately I have lost more than one chameleon that way.:(

Var is just stunning. He doesn't show any signs of being w/c. I had given some thought to these guys at one time when you had some for sale. I think I will do a bit of reading so i can be ready when you have babies again. Excellent work Chad. Any chance I could see baby pictures?



Chad, he looks great. I'm also glad that you are continuing to try to breed such wonderful chameleons.

As someone who still has the two babies you sold to me, I can only say that T Mats are my new favorite and I wish you lots of luck with him.


I'm so glad Harry! I hope your health is improving.


This thread is awesome. What a great job-and beautiful species. Did you ever find out if those mats that came in recently were indeed WC animals, and did you snag any?


Those imported "K. fischeri sp." were actually two K. matschiei females and 3 K. multituberculata. I had conversation with the seller and they seemed to know exactly what they were selling but claiming no responsibility for the misinformation due to "how they received them." I guess these shipments just come in labeled Bradypodion fischeri or Kinyonigia fischeri.

The last thing on earth I need is more K. matschiei females. There haven't been enough people interested in breeding so I ended up with quite a few females here at the casa. In an ideal situation, I would have a warehouse with everything automated and plenty of cage space to easily accommodate new blood that comes in. My goal is not to amass chameleons, I'd like to eliminate the need for K. matschiei import altogether. Anyways, I have made contact with the buyer and plan to help if I can. Here are the threads:

Initially posted/discussed here.

Buyer of WCs posted here.

Also, if you need refreshing on what this species is like...
Their Natural Climate
Handsome Male- Dresden
From Breeding to Hatching (this thread)
Bella - Female Giant Fischer's
Alba & Malachite
Fantastic shots Chad!! And thanks for all your efforts with this species. They are such a great under appreciated species. My CB pair are doing wonderful and I honestly feel they give me far fewer issues than the panthers I keep. The males are just so photogenic and a beautiful, not that the females aren't, just a little less stunning. I need to post some updated pics of Meru ;)
just wanted to update a picture of my k mats from CN


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Why were all these Kinyongia threads moved to this Kinyongia "Advanced Topics" section?

I think it is a shame to have species and information so polarized on the forum. I don't believe K. matschiei or multituberculata are difficult species to keep. I don't think they are any harder than panthers or Jackson's so relegating these threads to this section of the forum only further isolates this information from keepers that are plenty capable.

We need to encourage crossover between species and freely share information rather than treating certain species as "advanced" and setting restrictions on who can see what.

Moderators, please feel free to reply in this thread.
Why were all these Kinyongia threads moved to this Kinyongia "Advanced Topics" section?

All of my threads in "Advanced Topics" got moved to "General Photography", probably where I should have posted them anyway, since nothing I'm doing is very advanced. :eek:
Beautiful! I really think think this is one a handful of species that challenge the magnificence of parsonii.
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