New Member
I have a 3-6 month old veiled chameleon named Petrie, he's the coolest pet I have (besides the fact that he does not like humans lol), but that is besides the point. I am going to school today that is roughly 2.5 hours away. He does not get on my hands and therefor I am hesitant to put him in a box (to avoid stress). My initial idea was to just keep him in his enclosure(remove waterfall water), and then just cover all sides in moist towels for humidity. My only concern is that I am unable to do so during his sleeping cycle, I also know they need that ventilation so covering could reduce the ventilation. I know this is a lot, but I love this little guy and cant even bare to think of hurting him. So if anyone could please get back to me and let me know the best way or if my initial plan would work, Petire and myself would highly appreciate it. Thank you