Trantula exuvia


New Member
Who's good at sexing trantula exuvia? Take a gander, M or F? I'm not sure so please do help. sp. is B. Smithi. Thanks.


  • B. smithi.jpg
    B. smithi.jpg
    146.8 KB · Views: 105
Someone at acranoboards responded - male. Since I don't see any uteral horns, I am going with male.

Soon as the G. pulchra is bigger, I'll try to sex that one too.
Do you have any molts? For some reason i'm also thinking male (I suck at this though) but only sure way is to sex a molt. :D
The picture shown is the molt -- looking from the insideout. It's not an external view. I am thinking male but I could check the next molt to confirm no spermathecae.
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