This makes me so sad/angry

Yeah craigs list is a great source for abused animals.

I just can't believe that guy has the nerve to want 200 bucks for that. A second hand fish tank and a cham on his last leg. He'd have to pay me 200 bucks to take it.

NVM I misread. He paid 200 for the setup. wow a sucker is born every minute.
I agree. I was saddened Tuesday that the only petstore I've personally visited that took care of their chameleons isn't selling them anymore. Everywhere else has them in little plastic boxes (petco, petsmart) or aquariums set on their side with the screen lid in front :/
What makes the animal 'abused' or 'on its last leg' ?
atleast he wants to rehome it rather than just dump it. granted the aquarium is inadequate to say the least, but why bash the guy, just dont buy it. *shrugs*
As for the price, the price on anything is subjective, if your prepared to pay it, then its not a rip off. :)
I think it is completely ignorant for a person to keep an animal in those conditions. All they would have to do to find out how to properly take care of him is to do a little research on the computer or buy a book. People need to research before they buy an animal and take on the responsibility. That's my opinion...
What makes the animal 'abused' or 'on its last leg' ?
atleast he wants to rehome it rather than just dump it. granted the aquarium is inadequate to say the least, but why bash the guy, just dont buy it. *shrugs*
As for the price, the price on anything is subjective, if your prepared to pay it, then its not a rip off. :)

You can't seriously look at that pic, even though it sucks, and tell me that cham is healthy? Come on. That cham is so thin it's not funny. He's either starving or seriously dehidrated. Probably a little of both.

And considering some of the crap I see on craigslist...some people deserve to be bashed.

And mentioning he paid 200 for the set up tells me he is wanting $ for a cham that is really bad off. That doesn't screem that he is trying to rehome it for it's benifit.

I'll admit the pic is crap, but that thing just doesn't look healthy. And it's living conditions tell me why. There is a pond in there for christ sake.
Exactly the pic is crap. Would you trust a vets diagnosis based on a crappy pic like that?
The pics dont enlarge, chams are a laterally thin animal anyway, you cant see if the eyes are sunken or not. I think you see what you expect to see.
Yes its tank sux, but you cant know if its been raised in there or he just bought it on impulse 2 weeks ago. Your making assumptions based on a crap pic and no info whatsoever.
Glad your not a juror!

And mentioning he paid 200 for the set up tells me he is wanting $ for a cham that is really bad off. That doesn't screem that he is trying to rehome it for it's benifit.

now your judging a complete stranger personally. You never met the guy in your life, you know nothing about him, yet you think your qualified to judge his intentions and personality.?
maybe he did buy a week ago, realised its not animal he has time/money to care for right and just wants to get his money back? Guantanimo bay for this guy then?

What if I claimed your sentence structure tells me your an asshole? Fair?
Exactly the pic is crap. Would you trust a vets diagnosis based on a crappy pic like that?
The pics dont enlarge, chams are a laterally thin animal anyway, you cant see if the eyes are sunken or not. I think you see what you expect to see.
Yes its tank sux, but you cant know if its been raised in there or he just bought it on impulse 2 weeks ago. Your making assumptions based on a crap pic and no info whatsoever.
Glad your not a juror!

now your judging a complete stranger personally. You never met the guy in your life, you know nothing about him, yet you think your qualified to judge his intentions and personality.?
maybe he did buy a week ago, realised its not animal he has time/money to care for right and just wants to get his money back? Guantanimo bay for this guy then?

What if I claimed your sentence structure tells me your an asshole? Fair?

You need glasses. The pic is crap but those eyes ARE sunken in! No I'm not an asshole I just hate seeing animals abused or not taken care of properly. On the condition of the "tank" alone is enough of a reason for me to say the things I have said.

Now I didn't get the noose out for this guy. I just said he's a fool for trying to sell an animal in that condition. Why don't you lighten up a bit.

Further more where did I bash this guy. You really need to get off that high horse.
Why don't you lighten up a bit.

Thats what Im asking you mate! why get all het up?
Pic is too blurry, bad lighting to tell about the eyes. I wouldnt make that judgement.


Still damn glad your not a juror!
yes, the set up is pretty bad.

with the photos available it is very hard to distinguish the health of this animal.

allthough many keepers in the UK, and other parts of the states have had success with raising reptiles in glass, that is not hte proper glass enclosure.

Pure, Calm down a little. there is a reason why many people here do not buy off craigslist, we see this every day.

as jojack said, you can't really judge teh condition of the animal with the photos available.
I was calm until I was in a roundabout way called an ahole.

I never bashed this guy so most of JJs posts where really bashing me.

And in my opinion the eyes are sunken in. I can't believe ya'll don't see it. That was the intention in the beginning of my second post.

It's all good. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

BTW, Brown water doesn't equal clean. Since the only animal I can see in there is a cham I would have to assume the brown is from his fecal matter that is dug into the gravel. I can only imagine the bacteria in that gravel.
I wasnt calling you an asshole pure, I was asking if I did, based on your sentence structure alone, would that be fair? Understand?

You went off on a rant, made all kinds of assumptions, called him a fool, you implied
he needed bashing for trying to sell on, you implied he abused the animal, you claimed it was starving and dehydrated etc jumped to wild conclusions all based on a very very blurry pic.

Now if a member here posted that pic and you did that, others would rightly so, hammer the shit out of you. Does the fact this poor bloke is not a member here make it any more acceptable? He cant even speak in his defense.

I dont like to see animals neglected or in bad condition either mate, buts its unfair of you
to shoot him down, without evidence and without his being able to have a say in his defence.

You said yourself 'theres a sucker born every minute". If the bloke paid $200 for that lot, I say he's the victim huh? Hes just trying to get his money back and recoup his losses.

I understand your attitude toward such websites and I agree. The best thing you can do about it, is not to go to that site (every hit makes it more popular) and never buy from one (this is what keeps it happening in the first place. OK

Chill :)

Read again.
The poster wants $200.00

Then whos to say how much he paid. Why not email him and ask?
My opinions are based on what I see. Like I said TO ME they look sunken in. I'm basing this on the shadow around the eyes. Blurry pic or not you shouldn't be able to see that. Also his arms do look thin to me. If you notice the height of the casque, tells me this animal is not a youngin. But yet his arms are thinner than my 4 month old. How is that not thin? The tank is nasty! Bad pic or not you can't deny that.

I in no way accused this guy of abusing this animal. BUT how do you justify the condition of the tank and not call that abuse or mistreatment? I apologize I should have been more clear. But give me a break. It's after 2 am here. I'm lucky I can still type. Isn't insomnia fun.

And I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that members on here would side with the member keeping a cham in bacteria infested fecal water.
The brownness of the water could be due to the fact that he didn't wash the gravel well enough. You have to wash, and wash, and wash it, and when you think youre done wash it twice more. I had that issue on a freshwater fish tank I was setting up. The wash water looked clean, so thought I was done washing, put gravel in tank.... start to circulate.... dirty water...(insert favored 4 letter word)... Drain and wash a couple more times.

No it's not the accepted correct way to keep a cham. Apparently no one has ever told him though.
It could also be due to some natural timbre in the tank that is unseen in the pic.
natural timbres release tannin which stains water brown.

I think were all agreed the setup sux, no question about it, but does he know that?
If you want to do something about it, email the guy, give him the link to this thread and let him make explainations and/or defend himself.
Then you can crucify him fairly!

Educate the world one owner at a time. Nothing is acheived for the betterment of chams in captivity by slandering a complete stranger on the internet, but you might 'save' that cham with a more positive approach.
On with your crusade!
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