this had me laughing soo hard my stomach hurts!

well, I'm 25 & don't get it lol but I've always been older than my years. but my partner is in his 50s & I always tease him about various terms I've had to explain, usually 'americanisms' that a folkie from deepest, darkest yorkshire has never heard before.
I dont get it either, and I know I'm not old... I have been called an old soul though? It just confused me and made my head hurt a little.
I dont get it either, and I know I'm not old... I have been called an old soul though? It just confused me and made my head hurt a little.

in def not old and totally didnt get it.

heres one more my humor-
F word (not nearly as bad as it sounds)

and these are just funny no matter who you are haha-
Power Thirst
The end of the world

and of course the crack spider is always funny- but everyone knows that one so i wont bother posting. Honestly i dont think there as funny as when i was in the 8th grade but mabey someone else will.
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in def not old and totally didnt get it.

heres one more my humor-
F word (not nearly as bad as it sounds)

hahaha Now I get that one! My favorite word!!

BTW..I'm not really old, either. I'm only 32. I have a 14 year old son, so I guess I feel older than I am!
HAHA that is so funny. I guess you have to be young and naive to get it:confused: (Pointing fingers at myself)
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