the day of the king!


New Member
Ordering my mistking today! In lew of my seven day honeymoon next month! So stoked! Any tips tricks hints to this thing? Other than that wanted to share my excitment with my best friends! Also i woukdnt mind seeing photos of how u all have ur nozzles positioned into your cages? my fear is hes gonna cling to it as a new item in the cage and get.hosed point blank..
get a big rubbermaid bin to put your water in.

and check the length of your hose before you cut,

and check where your nozzles are aimed.
get a big rubbermaid bin to put your water in.

and check the length of your hose before you cut,

and check where your nozzles are aimed.

Awsome I was gonna do a 5gal bucket.. good call on the tub! And I was gonna leave the hose full length. Just incase things change :)

Bobo sleeps with his tail holding onto it. I don't think even point blank it'd hurt them, he goes up to it pretty often.
Must be a fine mist! I'll try to make it in a corner he doesnt have access to.
I used a painters bucket from Home Depot, was only a few dollars. And I adore the spade headed drill bit, though I use it in a handle, don't trust myself with power tools! Use it all the time tho, chameleons always seem to need holes drilled in stuff!

Mine's on the side by the wall, about 6 inches from the back. Seems to give decent coverage without soaking everything. Ivy's never climbed on it.
Nice, I was in your position yesterday but ended up going with the Aquazamp Raindome. I messaged Mistking for more information and he still hasn't written back, but I have at least 5 messages from Kevin Zamp (Aquazamp), and the Raindome already in the mail! ..aaand he gave me a discount!
Awsome I was gonna do a 5gal bucket.. good call on the tub! And I was gonna leave the hose full length. Just incase things change :)

Must be a fine mist! I'll try to make it in a corner he doesnt have access to.

You'll have to cut it, hose goes from bucket to pump, then from pump to nozzle.
You'll have to cut it, hose goes from bucket to pump, then from pump to nozzle.

Gotcha! That's okay I was gonna make a pretty wood box with a lid and put my bucket/tub in there and mount the pump inside to. So first peice should be short.
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