Sultan's favourite place!


New Member
This is were Sultan my ambilobe always goes to when I hold him, the highest spot to safety haha, he hasn't been handled much in his life at all so I hold him and let him walk on me for a cou[ple of minutes a day, then leave him in his cage to relax, but I think it's funny that he sits up on my head haha, he's awesome!:D


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Haha in the first photo he looks like he's thinking "Onward, Mom! Come on, let's go!" A couple of mine do that as well, but it's horrible when they try to climb up via my ears - ouch! :D
HAHA, he hasn't tried the ear route yet, just up the shoulder and round to the back then up my hair haha!
Yes Higgins is awesome hey, I loved him and asked for 2 off spring from him to be brought, one a red bar one blue, I much prefer mine. Thats the only place he wants to be though, on my head everytime! I can't stop looking at him, he's so beautiful.:D
HAHA Carol you're funny, ya this house is pretty awesome, it's 2600 feet of space, it's only rented though, moving to a smaller place come april unfortunately as the lease is up then, but ya its a very nice place! way expensive though, its $2400 a month rent:eek: so a down size is worth the money saved. Would you suggest feeding my cham super worms? I just got some for my beardies, would he eat them do you think?
$2,400...for rent even? :eek:

Heck of a nice place though I bet.

And when you move, just think of the money you'll be saving for more chams. :D
Yeah, he will love them, probably too much though! When I started feeding my chameleon superworms it was pretty much over for me with the crickets! He has not eaten a single cricket in like 3 months. I have tried every which way to introduce them and he won't have any part of it! Well, with the money you save on rent you can spoil your chameleon a little more!
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