Slightly Concerned!


New Member
I have a 9 month old male panther who has recently gone off his food.

I have just moved house and so has he - He has moved from a 45cm x 45cm x 60cm terrarium to a 90cm x 45cm x 90cm terrarium.

Temperatures are perfect but I'm struggling to get him to eat as much as he was before. Hes eating, on average, about 1 maybe 2 crickets a day.. used to love locust but will not touch them.

The only thing he will take immediately are wax worms which, i know, are really fatty... oh and he's drinking regularly, very active and colourful

Any tips or things i could try to get his appetite back?

Thanks x
An old trick I've used on stubborn males is.......... Starve'em. Sounds mean, but 1 day without food isn't gonna kill him (still offer water). 1 DAY! BUT, only do this if his conditions are met and he is 100% healthy!!! The day after his starving(so sad) have some crickets ready that you have been gut loading with good sweet fruit. Those fat sweet juciey crickets are most times all it takes for those stubborn guys to start eyeballing crickets again. hehe-
After a day or 2 of the fruit crickets, go back to the properly nutrition balanced crickets. Hope this helps, I've had success with this trick many times, especialy with imports.

(Before someone says it...... Yes the imports had been properly hydrated and treated. I'm not that mean!)
Fantastic thanks..
Will try it.. have made a pot hidden in the branches with crickets in and he's taken one or two
Seems a lot happier today actually.. oh well fingers crossed!
You say you just moved, give them some time to adjust to the new situation. This may take a couple of days or up to a week or more. I would give him some time to adjust before I get worried about them.
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