Silvadene cream??

I wouldn't use it on a bruise. It can turn the area black (a dark color) that never goes away.

She already has these black colors on her right knee and right leg. I dont know. Will it go away by itself? and i think its bruise because she is always wanting out of her cage but i dont have time and if i let her free range all day by herself...she will go places i wont find her. And she has been falling off trying to get out by climbing on the front screen. I added some more vines in the front. Hopefully that helps
* Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon. She is 1 year and 3 months old and has been with me 1 year and 1 month.

* Handling - Not very often. Only when i take her out on her tree every once in awhile and when i clean her cage.

* Feeding -I feed her 3-5 crickets every other day but lately she has been on a diet and eating 3-4 crickets every other 2 days. Crickets are gut loaded with Dr.Alfonso cricket diet.

* Supplements - Rep Cal calcium with d3, without d3 and multivitamin. Calcium with D3 once a month, calcium without D3 every other feeding, and Multivitamin once a month.

* Watering - I mist her 2 times a day with a hand held mister. I do see her drink. Her urates look great.

* Fecal Description - Urate is white and poop looks good to me.

* History - She came from a local pet store.
Cage Info:

* Cage Type - Screen cage and it is 24x24x36

* Lighting - I use a Reptisun 5.0 for UVB and i use a 40 watt regualr house bulb for basking.

* Temperature - Temperature vary from 76-79 F. I have an electric temperature meter.

* Humidity - I think they are pretty good. She seems to be fine and as she sheds she has no problems.

* Plants - I use 2 live Pothos that grow straight up

* Placement - The cage is on a drawer. It is about 17 in above the ground.

* Location - I am in FL, USA.

Current Problem - She seems to be getting bruises or black spots on her ankles, a bit on the face, and a small amount on her back but seems to be healing nice so far.
Sounds like skin necrosis to me. I have no idea what causes it though, you may want to do some research on it. I believe its caused by some sort of bacteria or fungus.
Bacteria or fungus could be really bad IF that's what it is. I would recommend you take Clea to a GOOD chameleon vet for a check up and have the vet take a looked at it. Be sure to take a fresh poop so you can get a fecal too. A check up is a good thing for all pets.
Do your best to get a really good picture of these areas. That would help way more than just a description. :)

I will try my best
This is what i could find on skin necrosis

Skin Necrosis

This condition is caused when the regular healthy skin of the reptile begins to die, normally due to either shedding problems or abscesses. Old skin left attached for long periods of time stops air getting to the new skin causing it to die and turn black, an abscess can be caused by an insect bite that's got infected this in turn causes the skin around it to die. The main cause of shedding problems is lack of humidity in the enclosure if the reptiles skin is to dry it will not come off correctly, the enclosure and reptile should be lightly sprayed with water once or twice a day to aid in the shedding process. Poor nutrition and unhealthy living conditions can also be a cause of skin problems. If you are worried your reptile has dead skin this can be easily removed by giving your reptile a warm bath, once the skin has had a chance to soak gently rub the area to remove the loose skin, if the skin still feels tight or your reptile feels discomfort while you try pulling it veterinary treatment may be required, as it will be if an abscess is found as the vet will need to injected it with a disinfectant and administer antibiotics.
Well if I were you, I would use Neosporin until you go to see the Vet. I don't think it would hurt...
Here are 2 pics of both knee's with this problem

BTW-i know she is fat. im working on getting her to get skinny again


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