Sex me please!

No dirty responses!

So my little baby Quad that I got from Laurie, is growing up fast. What I want to know is what is it's gender? Any Quad sex pros out there? Not the best photos here - but anyone's welcome to take a stab. I have my suspicions but I'd like to hear from you all.

MALE! oh wait I have no idea. :p

Very wonderful photos as always. Glad to see you posting again!
Royden, he is just beautiful! I do think it is a male but I would not bet big money on that just yet.:D:D:D Looks like you & he are doing well together. Is he a little joy to watch grow? Wait forget that all babies are a joy to watch grow.
If you didn't want any dirty responses, you shouldn't put that kind of a thread header..... :D

Nice pics! Haven't seen you on in a while - nice to have you back and nice cham! :D
"No sex please, we're Brittish"

First, what a good looking critter!

Second, shame on you for that thread title. Its too small to breed. Why, that cham is too young for even a priest.


I'm definitely not a pro. That, said, I'm going to venture that its a female, breaking with the pack. Coloration is speaking to me more than anything.

I've only seen a few juvies, but the boys seem to have a horn bud that is visible from an early age. How old is this little quad? Any chance you could get a shot of the top of it's head?
Thanks for the greetings everyone. I definitely haven't left the boards, I just lurk way more then I post now. Hard for me to keep up these days.

I've become a hypocrite. I used to always quietly say to myself "jeez if you didn't take such a shotty pic we'd be able to help you". Now I'm the guy with the helpless photos.

I'll try to get some more photos tonight. My initial thought was that it was a male based on the patterning I'm seeing on it's back, and the patterning I've seen on an adult male. But those horns will be the dead giveaway.

I see -zero- hemi-penal bulge on this guy. So I thought it was a female, but I recently saw a photo of a juvi male, and it also had no package so I'm confused.

Oh well. we'll see. Thanks everyone! Keep the guesses coming. He is 2 months old!
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