So i got my baby panther chameleon almost three months old, five days ago i believe and i have not seen him eat. He is too scared to take food from the cup but i've had a few crickets and black soldier fly larva escape from the feeding cup so i'm not sure if he ate one of those, but i was observing him and he was looking at one leaf for a long time, then shot his tongue at it and chewed something then left. I tried to see inside his mouth and couldn't tell if he maybe ate one of the larva but i couldn't see on the leaf he was looking at, i also walked up to his enclosure the other day and saw him chewing and got worried about that too. Would he be doing this for no reason? Or do you think he actually ate something? I'm a new owner so i'm always super paranoid. I attached some photos of him too just in case because i want to be sure he's healthy