RIP Tickle


New Member
Our 4 monthold Chameleon died this past friday night. I went to refill his water bottle and as he was walking down his vine he all of a sudden decided to go back up. It looked like he turned to far and possible snapped his spine cause right after he couldn't move his back legs for move his tail. We tried placing him somehwere low so he wouldn't fall but we woke up the next morning and he had passed away. I know he was only 4 months old but my kids were so attached to him, especially my son. Can someone tell me if I did anything wrong or done something to prevent it?
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear that. I have no idea, hopefully someone else can give you some insight.
Click on this link: and fill in the form in as much detail as possible. This way the more knowledgeable keepers can review your husbandry to see if there was anything that could have contributed to his untimely passing. I am so sorry to hear that you lost him and I am sure your kids are very sad. This is the right place to be to learn how to properly care for a chameleon and if you decide to get another there is a lot of information and knowledge here to make it a successful venture.
This is terrible! I'm so sorry! I can't help,but follow ridgebax's advice somebody might can help!
I am so sorry for your loss :( Animals become such an important part of our families and it is hard to see them go! RIP Tickle you will be greatly missed by your family!
I am really sorry for you and your family. That is devastating. Maybe there was a pre existing injury and the strain of the turn just was too much. Again really sorry.
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