Rhacodactylus Leachianus


New Member
Just bought a new pair of Rhacodactylus Leachianus. I should have them on Weds the 2nd. Here's a few pictures. These guys are so freaking cute.


I am F*ing jealous.

I plan on getting one soon.. not sure when though. Hopefully by next year or maybe even @ the Tuscon show if I'm lucky.
Keep us updated on those cuties.


I plan on getting a lost tag or a Henkeli.

Fat tubby balls of fun. :3
Completely non related. Female is 100% F1 Nuu Ami and the male is 50% Yellow spot Nuu Ami and 50% Nuu Ana.

If I get lucky and they pair up and produce offspring. Outcrossing so they are 25% Nuu Ana should add to genetic vigor.
Heh .... ok :)

Small individual quarantine cages. Simple's the word.


And what I hope to keep them in as a pair. Fingers crossed. Still needs a little work.

Nice Geckos! :)
In the recent (sept) issue of Reptiles Magazine (pg17) Is a short article That suggest these may be capable of parthenogenisis!
Jimmy Anders of Rockport, Texas has one hatchling from a female he claims has never been with a male.
Two other female R.I.Henkli have apparently also produced viable embryos and makes the same claim.
Philippe de Vosjoli seems to think its possible.
Reptilechannel.com has more on the story.

cheers :)
Aye, I've read that article, but would like the magazine for collection purposes. These are Philippe's holdbacks that he was so kind to part with for me :)
The Leachianus are and the chahoua are the third largest. The pair I'm getting are on the smaller end of the Leachie scale, but the most colored.

Just love the noises these guys make.
Thanks Jo. I'm going to enjoy watching these lil' buggers get big. On top of that I'll have them for 30 years or more hopefully :)
Very miraculous life on these guys. In fact it is not know how long they do live. The oldest on record was collected as an adult and lived 30+ years in captivity.

A few video's for your enjoyment.

Very miraculous life on these guys. In fact it is not know how long they do live. The oldest on record was collected as an adult and lived 30+ years in captivity.
How is that possible if they were only discovered in 1995? (Or is that just Crested Geckos?)
That information was passed to me by Philippe himself. Writing the bible on Rhacs, I'd have to take his word on that.
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