Resource questions


Wondering if there is any kind of recommended product listing for appropriate UVB lighting for a veiled chameleon? I’m wondering what products are 1)adequate & available immediately vs 2)ideal but may be delayed in getting here?

Also wondering if there is a size to age correlation for those of us who do not know the age of our chameleon? Just looking for a reasonable guesstimate for our baby who is about 8 inches from nose to end of tail

Also wondering about ideal hydration systems & schedules?

Thank you so much! ❤️
So you can definitely buy from one of the site sponsors. Light your reptiles is one of them I believe. But here are Amazon links for the two reccomended brands. These have been tested for adequate UVB and are both good. The reptisun brand bulb needs to be changed every six months even if it not burnt out as the UVB output goes down. The Arcadia is good for a year. So if you can afford that one, it’s the best.

First link is reptisun bulb and fixture. Second is replacement bulb. Third is Arcadia bulb and fixture. I could not find just the bulb.

Your fixture needs to span the width of the enclosure. This one is perfect for the 2x2x4.
Hello and welcome!! I found getting the right lights for my veiled when I first got her the most overwhelming piece.

The Arcadia 6% and ReptiSun 5.0 UVB lights are the best ones you can buy and you can usually get them right away. I like Arcadia best because their UVB lights last 1 year before you have to switch them out. ReptiSun is about 6 months before you need to change them.

You can buy your lights and hoods at

If they are out, my back up is There are other places you can get them too if you need more resources. I buy 2 lights at a time and when I switch out my UVB light I purchase 1 more back up light. With that system I have never ran out or been in a panic on how/where/when I will get a UVB light because I always have that spare sitting around.

Knowing you have a veiled I would recommend getting a 2x2x4 enclosure now. They grow super fast so its actually easier and cheaper for you to get your baby in its adult size enclosure now.

If you need a hood, lights and an enclosure I would consider buying one of Neptune the Chameleon's kits, it comes with the right lights, enclosure size and everything else you need to have your little one grow up strong and healthy.

Let us know what other questions you have!!
So you can definitely buy from one of the site sponsors. Light your reptiles is one of them I believe. But here are Amazon links for the two reccomended brands. These have been tested for adequate UVB and are both good. The reptisun brand bulb needs to be changed every six months even if it not burnt out as the UVB output goes down. The Arcadia is good for a year. So if you can afford that one, it’s the best.

First link is reptisun bulb and fixture. Second is replacement bulb. Third is Arcadia bulb and fixture. I could not find just the bulb.

Your fixture needs to span the width of the enclosure. This one is perfect for the 2x2x4.
Thank you so much! Is it possible to put the Arcadia bulb in the Reptisun fixture? I can get my hands on the reptisun fixture this morning and thought maybe when it’s time to order the replacement bulb in six months, I can just switch to the Arcadia bulb?
Thank you so much! ❤️ looking Closer at what I have now that I’m getting a better understanding of it all… These are the light fixtures and bulbs I have in place (see pics).

The bulb in the dual fixture seems to be the right one. The bulb in the PRO t5 fixture is a shade dwelller bulb but I think the fixture is designed to handle a HO bulb.


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Thank you so much! ❤️ looking Closer at what I have now that I’m getting a better understanding of it all… These are the light fixtures and bulbs I have in place (see pics).

The bulb in the dual fixture seems to be the right one. The bulb in the PRO t5 fixture is a shade dwelller bulb but I think the fixture is designed to handle a HO bulb.
So if you have the 7% fixture and bulb you actually have to get an entirely new fixture. The bulbs and balasts for the fixtures are not inter changeable. See this thread

So you want to get a full set up I would go with the ProT5 by Arcadia that comes with the 6% bulb.
So you can definitely buy from one of the site sponsors. Light your reptiles is one of them I believe. But here are Amazon links for the two reccomended brands. These have been tested for adequate UVB and are both good. The reptisun brand bulb needs to be changed every six months even if it not burnt out as the UVB output goes down. The Arcadia is good for a year. So if you can afford that one, it’s the best.

First link is reptisun bulb and fixture. Second is replacement bulb. Third is Arcadia bulb and fixture. I could not find just the bulb.

Your fixture needs to span the width of the enclosure. This one is perfect for the 2x2x4.
The manufacturer description of the pro t5 seems to indicate it is suitable for the HO bulb, is that correct?


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The manufacturer description of the pro t5 seems to indicate it is suitable for the HO bulb, is that correct?
I am not as experienced or as knowledgeable as @Beman. I’ve learned all I know from her and others here. She is saying that while it is a HO fixture, because the bulbs are different it will not work. You would need to just buy a whole new fixture and bulb in order for it to put out the correct UVB that your guy needs. I would take any advice or info she gives you over anything I say. Her and @MissSkittles advice helped brink my guy back from what would have surely caused his death, I’d trust their opinions 😊
I guess my point was that the PRO TR5 RO HS Unit seems consistent across both of the kits, the only difference seems to be the bulb that accompanies it


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I guess my point was that the PRO TR5 RO HS Unit seems consistent across both of the kits, the only difference seems to be the bulb that accompanies it
I already gave you a link in this thread to answer your questions.... Make sure you are scrolling through your thread you will only get notifications for the last post done. This thread is done by one of our site sponsors and an authorized vendor for Arcadia products.

The shade dweller series and the ProT5 series of fixtures are not made with the same type of ballasts so you can not use a different % in those fixtures that are shade dweller fixtures.
I’m just trying to match your info to the manufacturer info

I’m seeing a difference in bulbs but the PRO T5 unit doesn’t seem to have any indication of having different unit types. The unit itself doesn’t say shade dwelling, it just says PRO T5 and then in the PRO T5 info it says the different bulb options for that fixture
I’m just trying to match your info to the manufacturer info

I’m seeing a difference in bulbs but the PRO T5 unit doesn’t seem to have any indication of having different unit types. The unit itself doesn’t say shade dwelling, it just says PRO T5 and then in the PRO T5 info it says the different bulb options for that fixture
Update… with all the confusion of what’s on the manufacturer info vs What’s in the forum and what I have vs what I need… I put plants at the top to filter the light coming from the 12 inch 7% bulb a but, added a small but readily available t5 6% bulb in the open (sans leaf coverage)… and ordered the 22 inch 6% high output bulb and fixture.
I’m just trying to match your info to the manufacturer info

I’m seeing a difference in bulbs but the PRO T5 unit doesn’t seem to have any indication of having different unit types. The unit itself doesn’t say shade dwelling, it just says PRO T5 and then in the PRO T5 info it says the different bulb options for that fixture
Are you able to take some pics of what you’re seeing/talking about?
I’m just trying to match your info to the manufacturer info

I’m seeing a difference in bulbs but the PRO T5 unit doesn’t seem to have any indication of having different unit types. The unit itself doesn’t say shade dwelling, it just says PRO T5 and then in the PRO T5 info it says the different bulb options for that fixture
I looked at the Arcadia site and I see what you are saying. You received this light from someone else correct? @Beman is assuming that since there was a 7% shade dweller bulb in it, that it is the shade dweller fixture. Now I am not at all familiar with the Arcadia products. Yours says ‘proT5’ and not ‘shade dweller pro T5’. I’m not sure how Arcadia labels their products. When I look up images of the shade dweller fixture and the 6% fixture, they seem to be labeled the same.

So from my understanding, the problem lies in the amount of UVB it puts out. When you put the 6% bulb in the fixture for the 7%, you get a different amount of UVB than if you put the 6% bulb in the 6% fixture. While it may fit and will turn on and it will produce UVB, it is an incorrect amount. This is because the 6% is a 24 watt bulb and the 7% is a 14 watt.
Are you able to take some pics of what you’re seeing/talking about?
Pro T5 seems to be the consistent housing for all bulbs mentioned here including the HO
I looked at the Arcadia site and I see what you are saying. You received this light from someone else correct? @Beman is assuming that since there was a 7% shade dweller bulb in it, that it is the shade dweller fixture. Now I am not at all familiar with the Arcadia products. Yours says ‘proT5’ and not ‘shade dweller pro T5’. I’m not sure how Arcadia labels their products. When I look up images of the shade dweller fixture and the 6% fixture, they seem to be labeled the same.

So from my understanding, the problem lies in the amount of UVB it puts out. When you put the 6% bulb in the fixture for the 7%, you get a different amount of UVB than if you put the 6% bulb in the 6% fixture. While it may fit and will turn on and it will produce UVB, it is an incorrect amount. This is because the 6% is a 24 watt bulb and the 7% is a 14 watt.
thank you so much! Yes, they are all labeled PRO T5 and the instructions for The pro T5 say the PRO T5 is compatible with the HO 6% bulb so I think I should be fine using a 6% bulb in the PRO T5 fixture. If there is a shade dweller fixture, the one I have is not labeled as Such… it merely says PRO T5… so I’m following the directions for the pro t5 fixture with the 6% bulb.


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I do not think you are understanding the requirements of the specific bulbs and why you can not interchange them in certain ProT5 fixtures... Like the images you post above... No where are they saying that those proT5 are good with shade dweller bulbs. They are saying interchangeable with the 6%, 12%, and 14%... The fixtures depending on which kit you buy are different and different capabilities for the ballasts that they put into them. Now the reason why the bulbs/ fixtures can not be used with one another is that the shadedweller bulbs are much lower wattage. For example a 22 inch 7% bulb has a wattage of 14 but a 22 inch 6% bulb or 12% bulb has a wattage of 24. So the ballasts of the fixture for the shadedweller unit will not work with that of the other types of bulbs that have a higher wattage output. So you can not safely put a 24 watt bulb into a fixture that can only handle a 14 watt.

I guess I do not understand.... what you are doing with your lighting.
the 7% has a totally different output than the 6%. It is designed with different UVB and UVA output for animals like leopard geckos.
The 7% shadedweller bulb is 7% UVB and 17% UVA and the 6% bulb is 6% UVB and then 30% UVA. The UVA is what stimulates appetite along with many other functions. So the 7% is designed for animals that are down below the canopy and do not need the same light strength.

So you would not need to block this light with plants while you are waiting to get the correct lighting in. In fact if you have blocked the light with plants you now have further reduced the available UVB as UVB will not penetrate leaves. While the UVB output is fairly similar to that of a 6% it is the UVA that is far reduced below what is recommended for chameleons. So yes you may see reduced eating or even reduced activity level using this bulb. Which is why it is not recommended for a chameleon.
Pro T5 seems to be the consistent housing for all bulbs mentioned here including the HO

thank you so much! Yes, they are all labeled PRO T5 and the instructions for The pro T5 say the PRO T5 is compatible with the HO 6% bulb so I think I should be fine using a 6% bulb in the PRO T5 fixture. If there is a shade dweller fixture, the one I have is not labeled as Such… it merely says PRO T5… so I’m following the directions for the pro t5 fixture with the 6% bulb.
Ok. So it seems whomever you obtained your uvb from, they had put a 7% uvb bulb in a standard ProT5 fixture. That is what has been mucking us up.
Ok. So it seems whomever you obtained your uvb from, they had put a 7% uvb bulb in a standard ProT5 fixture. That is what has been mucking us up.
I came to the same conclusion! ;) The fact that the fixture is labeled PRO T5 and that’s the fixture for the 6% HO bulb… the previous owner putting the wrong bulb in it is irrelevant… the fixture is compatible with the PROT5 6% HO bulb I need to get…

So it seems it has enough wattage for the 24 watt but can also support the shade dwellers reduced wattage needs similar to putting a 35 watt bulb into a fixture that can support a 60 watt bulb.

Phew! I need a drink! ;) as if chameleon care wasn’t complicated enough!!! ;) thanks to all for the feedback and info ❤️
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