for my male veiled chameleon Cthulhu of unknown age… he’s about 9 inches nose to tip of tail.
2x2x4 mesh enclosure with money plant as main plant, also have ficus, prayer plant, and a ton of pothos… added some supplemental branches as well.
Dripper in place
Mist king set to mist a few seconds at lights on, lights off, midnight, and 5am
Lights on 8a to 8p
Food: mostly dubia and crickets
2x2x4 mesh enclosure with money plant as main plant, also have ficus, prayer plant, and a ton of pothos… added some supplemental branches as well.
Dripper in place
Mist king set to mist a few seconds at lights on, lights off, midnight, and 5am
Lights on 8a to 8p
Food: mostly dubia and crickets