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I am looking for a reputable herp vet in the greater Northwest region, I am currently located in Salem, Oregon and only had positive interactions with a single veterinarian within a 50 mile radius of my location, but we are currently at the point where our knowledge base is relatively on par with one another, thus the visits typically result in the vet confirming my suspicions and us mutually agreeing on treatment options. On several occasions we have even performed fairly minor procedures on my chameleons together and are actually in the process of mutually educating one another in the field through veterinary/herpetology specific texts that he has supplied at his own expense. As much as I enjoy expanding my knowledge base, when something serious occurs I would like to have access to a vet who has the confidence and the background to perform emergency treatment on my chameleons. I am willing to drive as far as Seattle if need be if the result is adequate and precise treatment for the correctly diagnosed afflictions my chameleons are experiencing; if anyone knows or can recommend a vet, please leave me a comment or send me a pm.