Reptile pets...not chameleons


Chameleon Queen
First attempt at this...
pixydea mouhoti (3 keeled box turtle0
corytophanes hernadezii (helmeted iguana/forest chameleon)
laemanctus (conehead)


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A few more....
prehensile-tailed anoles (male on right)
baby water dragon
uromastyx pair


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I too agree with the second pic of the lizard being really cool looking! Almost has bug like back legs!! Thanks for sharing!
The helmeted iguana is one of three subspecies. 2 subspecies are egglayers and one is a live-bearer. This type lays eggs. mean anoles. They are not a common species to see in captivity...espcially this species. They surprised me by being omnivores.

wow yah, i totally meant anoles. Don't know what i was thinkin when i typed that. Theyre omnivores? What are you currently feeding them?
I feed them an assortment of insects and the same mixture of greens, veggies and fruit that I feed my turtles.

The discovery happened like this...the crickets were breeding in their cage so I decided that if I fed the crickets well, I would have a mini-eco system going there. It worked....but I was surprised to see the anoles go down to eat the "salad" that I put in the cage for the crickets. I didn't have to add a cricket for years. I would simply wet one area of the cage down when I wanted the crickets to breed and dry it out to stop them from over-running the cage.

Another thing that happened....I couldn't get them to produce eggs for the first few years that I had them (and they were old enough)...but once they expanded their diet to include the "salad" they produced eggs. They only seem to lay one clutch a year. The first year the male ate the eggs before I could get them. The next year I made sure he couldn't...but the eggs didn't survive the incubation. Don't know if it was because the temperature or what.

yah these things are very intriguing to me... prehensile tail anoles. I want to do some research on these guys now. Thanks for enlightening me to their existence haha.
Thankyou. I don't have nearly as many now as I did 5 years ago. I've been trying to cut down...lose the addiction...concentrate more on just a few species.
First attempt at this...
pixydea mouhoti (3 keeled box turtle0
corytophanes hernadezii (helmeted iguana/forest chameleon)
laemanctus (conehead)

Woah yeah yhat corytophanes hernadezii (helmeted iguana/forest chameleon) is really nice.
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