Reptar Has Died...


New Member
I am not sure what happend, he seemed fine last night, but I woke up this morning and found him hanging from one back foot from the screen top, all black, and not moving, I quickly got warm water and misted him, but he did not move. I was worried for the last few weeks cause he was sleeping during the day but showed no real signs of anything being wrong..

I am going to try again, and review my husbandry and get an older cham this time, I think a 4-5 month old one would be good to start with.

I was really sad today. :(
I am sorry to hear...

Maybe you should review with everyone so we can maybe give you some pointers? I hope you have better luck the second time around.
Sorry to hear that. If you do try out another cham, please post every single detail of your husbandry and info about your cham. Everyone on the forum will be more than happy to suggest any corrections and add some tips. Remember the more detail you give us, the better.
I am very sorry to hear about this. I know you were trying to do everything right. I agree with starting out with an older one.
I'm sorry about your loss man.
When your ready, Look on phx craigslist, Chameleons are posted on there like once a week or so.
I'm really sorry to hear that Josh.
You cant say that you didnt try though.
You were trying really hard to get as much advise as possible, but young chameleons are hard to figure out.
Get another one and try again!
im sorry to hear about that, i'm very suprised that my veiled didn't die when i got him because he got a bad case of MBD but he made it through it and is doing fine now!
Sorry about your loss man. I think the upside is that you learned alot about chameleons, and hopefully not afraid to try again! You certainly tried your best and im sure next time around, things will go better.

Out of pure curiosity, did you ever get him into a screen cage? I know you were on a budget, perhaps if ya decide to pick another guy up, start with a screen cage from the get-go!

RIP reptar, enjoy all the bugs in cham heaven little man!
Thanks Guys.

I just bought a 16x16x30 screened enclosure (the black mesh ones) and I talked to Fl Chams and he is giving me a little discount on a new chameleon, I am going to order him this week.
Sorry to hear about Reptar. I know you really tried to get help on here and we did our best. I think a little older one may be just the thing. We'll all wait in anticipation for your new addition photos.
Reptar will be missed! Sorry bout your loss! Mike is really nice. I'm glad he is going to help you at.
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