Relocated Cage - Pissed Off Cham??


So as most of you know we have had Chevy for almost 1 1/2 years. Since day one I wouldn't say I am hands on with him, but, he doesn't mind at all coming out of his cage. I don't handle him unless he is willing. When I open the door I either lift my hand in palm up and flat and he grabs on or as soon as he sees me coming to the cage he books it to the edge of the plant and as soon as I open he grabs on.

Not So much now!! We relocated his cage from the kitchen / dining area to a more secluded room where there isn't a lot of foot traffic. We had him in the dining room first because while he was recovering, it made it easy for us to keep eyes on him at all times. He is very healthy now, so I figured he might want a more quiet area.

Issue is this....He has puffed up many times in the past and we know that it is his way of saying "Back Off". No problem we do. Since we relocated him, he is still eating, drinking and moving about, but oh boy is he testy! If any of us get close to his cage he puffs and stand up tall. When we attempt to check on him or feed him he hisses while puffing. He began lunging at me the day before yesterday. As I read many great advice on here before, I knew better to just back off and walk away. He also become dark in color which I believe from learning on here is a sign of stress.

We have left him alone, other than feeding him, but is this normal? Is he just being territorial and mad because we moved him? I didn't think that was possible, but he certainly is one Pissed off cham! Any advice would be amazing!

Thanks everyone!
I would move him back to the original area where you had him. All my chams like to be in the areas where I am.
I would move him back to the original area where you had him. All my chams like to be in the areas where I am.
Well he must be calming down a little. Checked on him and is now in my office hanging out on his vines. No lunging, but he did puff a little, but, then he walked onto my hand. If he still seems uneasy about it, I will definitely move him back. And people say animals don't have personalities:)
Well he must be calming down a little. Checked on him and is now in my office hanging out on his vines. No lunging, but he did puff a little, but, then he walked onto my hand. If he still seems uneasy about it, I will definitely move him back. And people say animals don't have personalities:)

Sounds like he's adjusting. I think we forget how detailed a cham's spatial memory is and how sensitive they are to changes in their visual surroundings. They are hard wired to be cautious and distrust things that are not predictable. His views from his old site are bound to be different than the new place's. He may be slow to adjust, but it should happen if his daily routine is settled.

Who says animals don't have personalities?? I have never met one that didn't.
Sounds like he's adjusting. I think we forget how detailed a cham's spatial memory is and how sensitive they are to changes in their visual surroundings. They are hard wired to be cautious and distrust things that are not predictable. His views from his old site are bound to be different than the new place's. He may be slow to adjust, but it should happen if his daily routine is settled.

Who says animals don't have personalities?? I have never met one that didn't.
That's good to know. I ran into a guy the other day in petco while I was getting things for my dogs. he was talking to the cashier about treats for his dogs, and she recommended a certain kind that were on sale for a limited time and they may like them, and he says, doesn't matter a dog is a dog, they don't care, people act like animals are a part of the family and give them their own personality traits, but, people are dumb, animals are just that, animals. I was SHOCKED! I wanted to go off at the guy, but, my daughter was there so I kept it cool.
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