receptive colors?


New Member
So my baby girl, now 6-7months old, is finally showing some colors outside of her greens. My only concern is that the spots that are forming are coming in blue-teal like and from what I've read that means she's recpetive? Shes been acting weird for at least 2weeks and went on a mini hunger strike for 2-3days about a week and a half ago. Xena has had an egg bin for a couple days now but I haven't seen her venture down to it yet, certainly no test holes or any digging. My other concern is that her eating has been super erratic the last two three weeks. Stopped eating all softbodied worms altogether, no horned butter or even wax. She used to go at them like crazy but one day just completely began ignoring them. Still takes crickets and megas (although i stopped giving her megas bc i didnt want her to get addicted, and will not give her any until she goes back to softbodies) but that's all she's taking now. Does her new colors point to any reason why the change in eating habits and/or behavior?


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The blue spots means she's sexually mature now.

We don't feed a whole lot of worms because of the hunger strike issue.

you can stop feeding her daily, and start feeding every other day or every two days to reduce egg production.
She might, try not offering any of them for a few weeks, then try to offer her one or two, see how she does
Most likely will. It's generally the other way around for me. My girl goes on dubia strikes every now and then when I've spoiled her with lots of different worms. She'll give in to me on the second or third day
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