Question about veiled baby coloring


New Member
I find that my female veiled babies get stripes and patterns as they are walking around stalking prey or at various other times but my males pretty much stay their baby green. The females are all smaller than the males except for one super beefy female that is just as big as the males are. They are 2 months old in a couple days and was just curious as to why the females are so.. flashy? Could they be stressed easier since they are smaller and when food is among them the males are running around like crazies and it intimidates the smaller females into coloring up? Thoughts?
Well, ahough i have no actual proof, it sounds like they are gaining these bars as a result of stress. i've been keeping fish for years and many many species will gain dark stripes or vibrant colors when in the prescience of something that bothers them. Many south american cichlid species will gain dark black stripes down their sides when feeling threatened. this allows them to blend into the root infested backgrounds of the waters where they live. Also, same with other species of fish from rocky areas, will gain dark splotches when stressed.

It would not be a far stretch to say that they are trying to fade into the background out of intimidation by showing these bars.

However this is totally just a thought that popped into my mind.
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