Pygmy chams


New Member
I was wondering if Rampholeon Kerestenii and Rampholeon brevicaudatus both had the scale beards? I bought a R. Kerestanii and it has a beard. It was called a dead leaf chameleon. Is this the same as a Rampholeon brevicaudatus? What is the difference? How do i tell what species of chameleon i really have? Thanks!
I haven’t ever seen R. kerstenii in the hobby in the time I’ve been working with pygmies which is almost three years and haven’t seen anyone with them either … doesn’t mean that they aren’t out there though. Every time someone has said they have kerstenii it’s ended up being a brev and brevs are also mislabeled as kerstenii quite often … case in point is one of the links kinyonga posted ( … labeled kerstenii but it’s actually a male brev.

This is a pretty good pic of R. kerstenii, they have much longer tails, slimmer body types and many horizontal striation patterns compared to brevs.

As I have seen R. kerstenii has no beard. Therefore, can we distinguish R. kerstenii and R. Brevs by the presence of beard?

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