Puffy eyes


New Member
First post! I have had experience with one female panther and my current male veiled chameleon (2years old).
I just wanted advice because he seems to have very puffy eyes. He has had this a while but is eating well and behaving fine. But they bother me a little.
Any ideas?
Thank you so much
That's what I thought but he's behaving exactly like he always has. They're just very puffy. Been like that a few months now. I'll take him to a vet and see. He hasn't eaten salad since maturing but he drinks water from me when I spray. And he does this daily so I'm not concerned about dehydration.
First post! I have had experience with one female panther and my current male veiled chameleon (2years old).
I just wanted advice because he seems to have very puffy eyes. He has had this a while but is eating well and behaving fine. But they bother me a little.
Any ideas?
Thank you so much

To me, this looks like a blocked nasolacrimal duct or sinus infection. This is a classic symptom for both. You will need antibiotics and the vet will more than likely have to open the area to remove the pus and debride the area. But, I have seen the antibiotics work and the pus subside naturally. But it isn't always that easy.

Do you have a vet in your area that is versed in chameleon/reptile medicine?
Thank you, yes fortunately I do have a reptile specialist here. My little guys are all registered. I'll book him in tomorrow. X
Quick update! The vet is happy it's not an infection. Despite me dusted everything with vitamins(especially A and D) turns out I may be the cause of his puffy eyes. The vet has told me it is a lack of vitamin A and too much vitamin D. He has suggested I only give nutrobal once a week and cod liver oil 3 times a week on his food and see how I go. It is his sinuses that are affected and this shows in puffy eyes. I will update his progress, but want to thank you for the advice!
Hi Cham78, just wondering did the puffiness ever subside with your regimen? I'm currently having the same problem with my 3year old veiled and plan on taking him to the vet this week.
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