Previous Cham Owner - Want to Start Again!


New Member
I was too impatient with my first veiled, I bought him to young (2months), and though I could get away with raising him in a glass tank, but that showed to be a bad idea and he died after a month. :(

I want to try this again with the help of the cham forums, I want to do it right this time around!

I want to stick with a male veiled again, how old of one should I get this time? I was thinking 3-5 months?

As for the cage, I am considering building one myself with drainage on the bottom, but I am not sure how I would make a door cricket proof? If not I am going to buy this?

I am going to research this again for the next 1-2 months and make my purchase in september or october, I want to be 100% ready.
Would I be alright starting off with a 24x24x48 tall enclosure? Or is that too big for a juvi? I was thinking of blocking off half of it if it's too big?

Also, I have a reptisun 5.0 from when I had my veiled, I only used it for that month, and it's been in my closet since, it's still good right?
3-5 months would be a good age to start of with... and i would say something like a 12x12x24 or 16x16x24 would be a good size cage to start a juvi in..around 5-7 months depending on size a 24x24x48 would be great..
Welcome back to chameleon keeping. :D

Age is an important variable when considering an enclosure. When the chameleon is a newborn or still relatively small, there's nothing wrong with a glass enclosure. Just make sure it's getting enough ventilation. An alternative to that is maybe just starting with a small all-screen cage, like maybe a 12x18x24, or something along those lines that isn't too large. Once a veiled hits about 4-5 months (depending on genetics/husbandry, age to size ratio varies), then it's time for the big-boy cage.

If you're just going to purchase a 5-month old, I'd just go for the 24x24x48. Since you're just starting out again, I'd go with chameleon that's had a healthy head-start, so maybe something 3 months and beyond. As for your UV bulb, it should be alright as long as it wasn't in active use after that period. Good luck, and I'm sure your experience will be better this time around!
reptisuns have and exp of 6 months so i would think your is still usable.

Awesome. I am slowly buying everything again, I still have the Calcium and Multivitamin Supps and lots of cricket food.

I am going to build my own cage out of 1.5x1.5 beams, I am going to start in the next few weeks.
Yup, I am up in North Phoenix/Scottsdale near the Desert Ridge area.

I think now that I have more time and patience to devote to the cham, and some basic experience, I will do much better this time around!

I am probably going to get my cham from FlChams again, they have a 4 month old juvi male for $60 plus shipping, which seems like a good deal to me?
FLchams is where I got my Veiled, and they truely have quality Veileds, breed for color and size. I'd recommend them for sure. Mike's also a great guy.
Sounds good to me.. i have a male panther from Mike at flchams...i would highly recommend him to anyone looking to buy a chameleon..i live in glendale buy the football stadium.....
Right on, I might try to pick one up locally if I can find one, it always seems odd to ship animals, I mean what if he gets injured or something?

I am going to go to Home Depot this weekend and start getting marterials for the enclosure, I am trying to figure out the drainage situation though
I also noticed you said you had your supplement too. Do you have calcium with and w/o D3? You will need both. Welcome back to chamdom.

Alrighty, I am going to probably getting a new cham here in the next month or so, so I am going to start setting up the enclosure now.

I am still not sure, should I build a enclosure or just buy one?

Also, does water getting on the digital temp guages make a difference in temp? When I used to mist I know the temp would drop a little, is that cause of the water or the actual temp changes?
hey m1ndless, if you plan on building one, its a learning experience. i wouldn't reccomend it unless you know how to do it or you have perfected the art.

id check out they have cages for decent pricing.

also you can check out pets inc on mill and southern in tempe. but they are sold out of chameleons right now , except for the WC female jackson.
LLLReptile has the most price conscious cages around. They are actually cheaper then trying to build one. There are also a couple of veild breeders on the forum that have excellent oness just the perfect size. look for Juliars and Fate. Reasonable and healthy babies. I believe both have veilds over 3 months now.
exactly as boca said, Julirs has some of thee best vieled i have seen, and if I was going to purchase one, it'd be from her.
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